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Siasia: Argentina won’t disgrace us

Highly elated Super Eagles’ Chief Coach, Samson Siasia, has assured Nigerians that the playing staff and the technical crew would do everything to ensure that the Argentine national team would not disgrace the Eagles before their fans in the proposed FIFA international friendly billed for Nigeria in June.

Siasia, who gave the assurance while fielding questions from sports writers in the post match conference of the victory over Kenya in Abuja, pointed out that though the encounter would be very tough, he is hopeful they would create and utilise the chances against the Argentines.

Asked his preparation for the tie, SiaOne said: “Well, as for Argentina, you can see that we have been scoring high number of goals now. Whatever team that is involved, we want to win every match of our games, even though we should know that Argentina is a very difficult side to play against.

“We have to prepare ourselves well because we don’t want to be disgraced here. We will fight to win the game because we are on our home ground. If we play against difficult team, we will up our game to live to the expectations that day. If we can create nine chances in the game, we can score against Argentina,” he assured.

Making an overview of the victory over Kenya, the Nigerian former international said: “Playing two games in within two days is not easy. Ideally, it takes three days to prepare and play a good game like this. I want to thank the players very much because they have actually done well to make Nigerians proud. I want to thank the media and every Nigerian for supporting the team. I promise we can only do it better in future,” he said


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Posted by on Mar 31 2011. Filed under Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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