Home » Zamfara, Headlines, State News, Today's Politics » Courageous family members of bride-to-be stop kidnap attempt, kill terrorist, seize two AK-47 rifles

Courageous family members of bride-to-be stop kidnap attempt, kill terrorist, seize two AK-47 rifles

By Justina Otio

Family members of a bride-to-be and a group of passengers have foiled the kidnap attempt by a terrorist in Zamfara State.

The incident reportedly occurred when the family of the bride-to-be and other travellers were ambushed by bandits along the Talata Mafara-Gusau highway in the State.

According to PRNigeria, the family were on their way to purchase clothings and other wedding materials in Kano State.

However, their journey was halted when armed bandits attacked them.

An eyewitness who spoke to the aforementioned publication disclosed that the brave passengers fought the bandits and managed to capture two AK-47 rifles from the assailants.

The witness said, “A few kilometres away from the Fangal Tama checkpoint, the travellers heard gunshots echoing all around. To their shock, they encountered two well-armed bandits on motorcycles, blocking the road and halting vehicles.

“The bandits immediately ordered the young woman (the bride-to-be), her father, mother, and two other relatives to exit their car. With guns pointed at them, the terrified family members were coerced to follow the bandits into the nearby forest.

“Realising the grave danger they faced on forced abduction, the passengers decided to act swiftly. They rallied together and launched an attack on one of the two bandits. In a fierce struggle, they managed to overpower him, resulting in his instant death. The other bandit, however, escaped, leaving behind his firearm.

“The courageous group retrieved the two guns and emerged from the forest. They promptly handed the weapons over to the military at a nearby checkpoint.”







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Posted by on Apr 24 2024. Filed under Zamfara, Headlines, State News, Today's Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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