IMO: Bye Bye: To a Phantom Governor – By Kenneth Uwadi

By Kenneth Uwadi | Imo State  | February 9, 2020 – It was Emerson who said in The Over Soul ‘’the soul is the perceiver and revealer of truth. We know the truth when we see it; let the skeptic and scoffers say what they choose’’. In Imo , it was well known that Emeka […]

IKEDIA OHAKIM: How Not to Be a Political Leader – By Kenneth Uwadi

By Kenneth Uwadi | Imo, Nigeria | December 30th, 2019 –  Any public figure is like a gold fish. He or she has no hiding place. His or her actions are scrutinized every minute for various reasons and for different purposes. The news is all over that the position of President General of the apex […]

IMO: Five Months of Cluelessness – Kenneth Uwadi

By Kenneth Uwadi | Imo State, Nigeria | October 23, 2019 – Ralph Miliband was a key twentieth century political thinker. Ralph Miliband once said that the hottest place in hell will be reserved for those who sit on the fence in the face of great moral crisis. No one will want to go to the […]

Imo State: 90 Days of Nothing – By Kenneth Uwadi

By Kenneth Uwadi | Imo State, Nigeria | August 27, 2019 –  MO; 90 DAYS OF NOTHINGNESS Andrew Nnanna arrived his office building in Orji-Owerri in Imo State promptly at eight am as was his habit. He needed only to park his car and use the stairs to the floor of the Estate Company where […]

Samuelson Iwuoha & the Election Rigging stories – By Kenneth Uwadi

By Kenneth Uwadi | Imo, Nigeria | March 28, 2019 – It is afternoon and the day is baking hot. Trudging along a dusty road beneath a spark plug sky without a cloud in sight gets old fast. There are beaches and sand off to one side and on the other a gently rising hillside covered […]

Okorocha, Uche Nwosu, Never Again – By Kenneth Uwadi

By Kenneth Uwadi | Imo, Nigeria | March 28, 2019 –  OKOROCHA, UCHE NWOSU, NEVER AGAIN Hotels everywhere in O’ Iown, that’s Owerri for you. I got into the town  the evening of the day the All Progressives Congress (APC) organized a  women and youth rally at the Dan Anyiam Stadium. No one was there to pick […]

IMO GOVERNORSHIP 2019: Hope Uzodinma is the Answer – By Kenneth Uwadi

By Kenneth Uwadi | NNP | January 2019 – I got into the ship, destination Bonny, a big  ship. Nnamdi  runs the engineering office from the throne in the centre of a room.  One wall is covered in instruments, the other is a long window  overlooking the  Bonny River . Nnamdi is a friend. He was assisting me to cross […]

Goodluck Nanah Opiah, Experience and 2019 – By Kenneth Uwadi

By Kenneth Uwadi | Owerri, Nigeria | June 9, 2018 –  Jackson Amadi insisted on going to the home of the governorship aspirant alone. He requested to meet with the big boss and it was agreed he see him the next morning. He barely slept that night, wondering what would come of his meeting with […]

Governorship and the Over Desperation of a Belletician – By Kenneth Uwadi

By Kenneth Uwadi | Imo, Nigeria | Nov. 28, 2017 –  There is an intangible law of nature which embraces the constant warring between the forces of good and bad, the positive and the negative, the spiritual and the material. And it is applicable in politics just as much as in other department of life. Indeed […]

Calls for the release of two journalists

Nigerian government continues to send fear into the hearts of Nigerians. The government continue to wage vicious crackdown on free speech. The space for independent activism, critical journalism, and opposition political activity in Nigeria is extinguished .So many persons have been arrested in recent times to silence their voices using politically motivated criminal charges. Last […]


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