Home » NNP News, NYSC (National Youth Service Corp), Women Politics » Young doctor dies in road accident two days after completing NYSC

Young doctor dies in road accident two days after completing NYSC

(NNP) Attention has once again been drawn to the dangers of Nigerian roads with the untimely death of a young and talented medical doctor, Urenna Iroegbu. Dr. Iroegbu had just completed her National Youth Service and was returning home to Akwa Ibom State on Saturday when tragedy struck.

According to reports reaching NNP, the young doctor boarded a Toyota Sienna commercial bus which drove against traffic along Onne Road in Port-Harcourt. A trailer had broken down on the path of the driver causing him and other vehicles to take the wrong lane to avoid the broken trailer.

While the driver drove on the wrong lane, a lorry which was in the right lane did not see the Sienna van on time and in the confusion to avoid the van collided with it. Passengers were rushed to the hospital by local residents with the doctor rushed to Morning Star Hospital in Onne where she died at midnight.

Dr. Ireogbu was a graduate of Imo State University, spending the last eight years studying medicine. She died only two days after completing her National Youth Service at the University of Port-Harcourt Teaching Hospital.



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Posted by on Jul 21 2020. Filed under NNP News, NYSC (National Youth Service Corp), Women Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

2 Comments for “Young doctor dies in road accident two days after completing NYSC”

  1. This is so sad. Though we complain about Nigerian roads and its problems, our people always say it is better to be late than be the late so and so. The impatience of Nigerian drivers have caused way too many precious lives without consequences, it is time to start thinking on a solution to driver rage and irresponsibility on our roads.

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