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Insurgency: N/East women group hails military over recent successes

North East Women Forum for Peace and Stability (NEWFPS) a non-governmental organisation, has commended the Nigerian military for the sustained onslaught and recent successes against insurgents in recent time.

The group, in a statement by its Coordinator, Mrs. Aishatu Jimeta on Saturday, urged troops of Operation Hadin Kai to remain focused against Boko Haram/ISWAP terrorists.

Jimeta also urged the military to ignore the Amnesty International (AI) on their negative reports on the activities of the Nigerian military in the Northeast.

She said the recent successes in the onslaught against the terrorists had confirmed promise made by the Chief of Defence Staff, Gen. Lucky Irabor, “that Nigerians will soon smile.”

“As victims of insurgency, we, the people of the North East can testify that there has been considerable improvement in the security situation in our region.

“Amnesty International report is more of diversionary and not intended to help the common people suffering from the activities of the terrorists.

“Just this week three senior commanders of ISWAP terrorists were among several jihadist fighters killed in aerial bombardments by Nigerian fighter jets on their enclaves in Lake Chad.

“Similarly, a notorious chief executioner of the Boko-Haram, Bashir Bulabuduwaye, who was responsible for slaughtering of all abducted persons condemned by the group, surrendered to the Nigerian troops.

“These are some of the massive successes being recorded in our region after several years of unforgettable devastation,’’ she said.

The group leader said the ongoing military operations had been paving ways for them to gradually return to their means of livelihood.

She said the women would plead with the armed forces not to be distracted.

According to her, the people are happy that their homes are gradually bouncing back to life, with most of them returning to their various means of livelihood. (NAN)wp_posts

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Posted by on Sep 17 2022. Filed under Air Force, Armed Forces, Army, Headlines, Navy, North-East, Women Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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