Home » Africa & World Politics, Headlines, Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS) » NIS INTERPOL system uploads 150,000 stolen, lost travel documents

NIS INTERPOL system uploads 150,000 stolen, lost travel documents

Muhammad Babandede, CG Nigeria Immigration Service

By Ibironke Ariyo
The Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) INTERPOL i-24/7 desk has successfully uploaded 150, 000 Stolen and Lost Travel Documents (STLD) to INTERPOL Global System (IPSG) in Lyon, France seamlessly.

The Service spokesman, Mr Sunday James, disclosed this in a statement made available to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Tuesday in Abuja.

James said that INTERPOL i-24/7 was a major system supporting arm manned by officers of the NIS at the unit in the Service Headquarters.

He said that the Comptroller General, NIS, Mr Muhammad Babandede was updated in a brief on the development by the team in view of the report received of the success so far.

He added that the Nigerian SLTD detection and tracking system domiciled at the NIS Headquarters has successfully yielded result and worth appreciating by Nigerians and the global Community.

“This is an effort put in place by the Service team to rid the world of attempts and deliberate acts leading to identity theft, frauds and other organised crimes perpetrated globally using SLTD.

“This integration according to INTERPOL POLICE GLOBAL SYSTEM (IPSG) is the first in Africa and 54th in the World.

“By implication, this feat has enabled Nigeria to upload 150,000 SLTD to IPSG-Lyon, France through a secure channel on Monday 7 Sept. 2020.

“This success was achieved with the immense support of the Interpol Global System (IPSG) United States National Central Bureau (USNCB) Washington, National Central Bureau (NCB) Abuja and the NIS team.

“The successful integration and uploading of such quantity of Stolen and Lost Travel Documents (SLTD) among member nations on the Interpol Global System (IPSG) was worth recognising ” he said.



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Posted by on Sep 8 2020. Filed under Africa & World Politics, Headlines, Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS). You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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