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2023: APC Northern Christian leaders begin search for alternative candidate

2023: APC Northern Christian leaders begin search for alternative candidate

By Amos Tauna

The All Progressives Congress, APC, Northern Christian leaders have set up a committee with a mandate to provide political direction ahead of the 2023 general election.

A communique issued after the APC Northern Christian leaders’ summit, on Saturday, in Abuja and jointly signed by Doknan Sheni (Plateau) North Central, Ishaya Bauka (Taraba) North East and Saidu Ibrahim (Jigawa) North West, made the declaration.

According to the communique, the committee would arrive at the best platform towards collectively building a united multi-religious, multi-ethnic society.

The leaders explained that after careful considerations and deliberations, the summit resolved that the adoption of a Muslim–Muslim ticket by their party was divisive, unjust and insensitive to the overall interest of Nigerians.

According to the communique, “We resolved that we will set up a committee within us with a mandate to go round Nigeria and consult with both Christians and Muslim stakeholders, including other stakeholders.

The faith-based religion leaders said that they also resolved to summon an interfaith summit in no distant future after consultations were concluded across religious divides towards finding a better solution on the best way Nigerians especially from the northern states which political party to support.

The communiqué believed that after the consultations, the Muslim and Christian leaders will announce the best Pan Nigerian platform that will better serve the collective interest of the people beyond 2023.

It stated that all delegates would return to their communities and disseminate the resolutions and await the convocation of the next summit where a final decision should be taken on the ticket that they will collectively vote for in 2023.

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Posted by on Aug 1 2022. Filed under All Peoples' Congress (APC), Elections, Elections 2023, Party Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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