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2023: Only a competent leader will solve Nigeria’s problem, Obi on CNN

2023: Only a competent leader will solve Nigeria’s problem, Obi on CNN

The Presidential candidate of the Labour Party (LP) Mr. Peter Obi, says Nigerians need to be deliberate about electing good leaders.

Speaking while being interviewed on the Cable News Network (CNN), Obi described Nigeria as a “mess”, adding that politics of “my turn”, as well as politicians who promote ethnicity and religion are keeping Nigeria “underdeveloped.”

He said: “That is what it was yesterday. And that is our problem, because we have been able to elect people based on ethnicity, religion, ‘my turn’, connection, or one form of bias or the other, which brought us to where we are — or structure, which I always say is structure of criminality.

“That is what we want to dismantle now and ensure that the next election is based on character, capacity, competence, commitment to do the right thing.

“Nigeria is not just in a physical mess; it is at the last stage to collapsing. The people in the north don’t have a secured place; they don’t have good roads; they don’t buy bread cheaper than people in the south. So [it is with] people in the south.

“All you hear about ethnicity, religion, connection, ‘my turn’ is elite conspiracy to keep Nigeria underdeveloped. But now, we have reached the edge. We can no longer continue this way.

He said that only a competent leader can solve the problems of corruption plaguing Nigeria, explaining that the problems of oil theft and corruption are things that can be solved, if Nigerians elect a competent leader in 2023.

To take Nigeria economy out from life support that his government in 2023 if elected will deal decisively with the issue of security, especially as the present insecurity is impacting negatively on the economy.



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Posted by on Sep 17 2022. Filed under Elections, Elections 2023, Labour Party (LP), Party Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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