Home » Benue, Governors, Headlines, Party Politics, Peoples' Democratic Party (PDP), State News » 2023: PDP ready to rescue Nigeria – Ortom

2023: PDP ready to rescue Nigeria – Ortom

From Rose Ejembi, Makurdi

Benue State Governor, Samuel Ortom, has said the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) was now better repositioned and ready to rescue Nigeria from the doldrum of the All Progressives Congress (APC)-led Federal Government.

The governor, who also posited that the ruling APC is worse than the worst military government assured that with new leadership of the PDP was ready to rescue the country from the current plague of insecurity and corruption.

Ortom said this, yesterday, in a chat with newsmen at the Makurdi airport, on his arrival from the PDP national convention in Abuja at the weekend.

Thanking God for the victory and emergence of Iyorchia Ayu and other party leaders at the convention, Ortom said the party was now better positioned to take over the mantle of leadership in Nigeria in 2023.

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“What we did in Abuja by achieving more than 90 percent consensus in electing leaders of the party is a clear sign that God is on our side and a sign that we are determined to take over the mantle of leadership in 2023,” he said.

He accused the APC-led Federal Government of destroying the “economy, our security, our social life and everything you can think of.

“There is this saying that the worst democratic government is better than a military government but for the purpose of this APC-led government, I want to say the worst military government we’ve had is better than this APC government.

“I have never seen a people who don’t want you to tell them the truth. When you advise them, they try to twist things and tell the world that you are against them. So, I commend my colleagues; the other 12 governors for their understanding and resilience that despite all the intimidation and blackmail by this APC government, we are forging ahead.

“And today, I can tell you Nigeria is hopeful and by the grace of God, we will make ourselves available, sacrifice our time, resources and our energy. Our unity cannot be compromised and we are committed as governors to give Nigeria a new direction, a direction that will unite us more than ever before.

“For us, we are coming on a rescue mission and we have demonstrated that during the convention and we look forward that Nigerians will team up with us to make sure we dismantle this APC government that has record of worse corruption in the history of Nigeria.”



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Posted by on Nov 1 2021. Filed under Benue, Governors, Headlines, Party Politics, Peoples' Democratic Party (PDP), State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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