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2023 Presidency: No monarch feels the pains of Igbos like I do — Oluwo replies Ohanaeze Ndigbo

2023 Presidency: No monarch feels the pains of Igbos like I do — Oluwo replies Ohanaeze Ndigbo

By Idowu Bankole

The Oluwo of Iwo, Oba Abdulrasheed Adewale has told the Ohanaeze Ndigbo that no monarch in Nigeria feels the pains of Igbos more than he does.

Oluwo, in a statement signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Alli Ibraheem, noted that the Ohanaeze Ndigbo is a respected body representing a sophisticated, intelligent, hardworking, cosmopolitan, industrious and enlightened race, saying He (Oluwo of Iwo) has Igbo in his blood.

Some sections of the Media (Not Vanguard) had reported that the Oluwo of Iwo, Oba Abdulrasheed Adewale had allegedly said at a function that “ the Igbo cannot be entrusted with the office of the Nigerian presidency.”

In what could be said was a swift reaction, The Ohanaeze in a statement had stated, “We will therefore restrain from hoisting the monarch with his own petard, rather we advise that he should undergo some tutelage under some more experienced cosmopolitan urbane intelligent monarchs such as his neighbour, Oba Adeyeye Ogunwusi, the Oni of Ife.”

Reacting, the palace of Oba Abdulrosheed Adewale Akanbi, stated that “It is evident from their statement that the Ohanaeze Ndigbo has false knowledge of Oluwo.”

“It is disappointing that my beloved Ohanaeze Ndigbo could jump on the media in response to a misleading headline cast to sell the story. Oluwo remains one of the leading monarchs canvassing for a united Nigeria, equity and justice most especially for the Igbo tribe because I have suffered marginalization.”

“I’ve invested heavily in sustaining Nigeria’s unity and will continue doing so. I expected a swift eradication of the sit home order by the Eastern Security Network (ESN) and The IPOB which I trust their cooperation with stakeholders and Ohanaeze Ndigbo can curb. I’ve reached out to respected monarchs from the East most especially the highly respected Obi of Onitsha and Igwe Agubuzuo of Enugu.”

“The demarcated restriction is a self-inflicted punishment in the United States. No monarch feels the pain of the Igbos like I do. The Ohanaeze Ndigbo should

“On October 8, 2021, I issued a statement titled “Oluwo to FG: Heal Civil War Wound on Igbos ” appealing to the federal government to hold a national conference centring on healing and compensating Igbos for the wounds sustained from civil war. Did the Ohanaeze Ndigbo make any contact to commend or do a follow-up?”

“I’m surprised Ohanaeze Indigo could picture my esteemed office as dividing Nigeria. All informed Nigerians are not unaware of my sacrifice to hold the pillar of Nigeria’s unity. I’m a good friend of the Igbos and the only monarch to use made in Nigeria Igbo car, Innoson. I have a cordial relationship with Igbo highly respected monarchs and personalities.”

“They have qualified brains who can be president. I’ve family in the Igbos like Chief Sam Iwuajoku and friends such as Peter Emeagwali, Chief Billy Okoye, Innocent Chukwuma (Innoson), and Chief Chike Ogeah of Marriot Hotel, Peter Ugomozie and others too numerous to mention.”

“Igbos are hardworking but no one is perfect. While I’ve promoted their strengths, their weakness must be addressed for adjustment. I’m a father to the nation. I’ve watched the activities of the IPOB and ESN on television and social media.”

“They should stop hurting us by attacking our own (Igbo)people. Any Igbo kill is my family. Igbos should give equal opportunity to non-Igbos on their land. The Ohanaeze Ndigbo has to convince us by speaking to the IPOB and ESN regulating and enforcing sit at home order.”

“My throne respects equity, Ohanaeze Ndigbo are challenged to reach out to the presidency to grip an idea of my consistency to have a national dialogue on Igbo Civil War wounds.

I was the first monarch outside South East to visit the Innoson manufacturing company owned by an Igbo man Innocent Chukwuma and the only Nigerian monarch using the Innoson vehicle which I bought in January 2018. I went further to advertise and promote the made in Nigeria vehicle on highway billboards throughout the country on my personal expenses.

I want to challenge the Igbos further to name a monarch outside the South East who has ever dressed like an Igbo king? I remain an Oba and very committed to the unity and oneness of Nigeria. The Igbos should act more, talk more and do more about the unity of Nigeria instead of their vituperation against an unrepentant preacher and promoter of one Nigeria.

Oluwo has never said Igbo can’t produce the president but need to restrategize. For the hasty conclusion and unguided vituperations, the respected throne of the Paramount Ruler of Iwoland deserves an apology from Ohanaeze Ndigbo.

Most importantly as a father to the nation, I appeal to IPOB to sheath their sword and embrace one Nigeria. Our diversity is a strength. We must be smart with it and convert it to an advantage. Achieving a one Nigeria is a collective responsibility. I challenge Ohanaeze Ndigbo to take responsibility, and appeal to IPOB and ESN for a ceasefire. It is then that we will know we are all Nigerians in Nigeria and enjoy a better sense of belonging.

As rich as the statement was, few read with the sentiment. Oluwo will keep talking unless the IPOB and ESN stop killing our own (Igbo) people the same way I keep antagonizing ritual killings in the southwest.

At the same time, I look forward to seeing Adekunle in Ibadan buying land conveniently in Akwa or Onisha market, Usman from Kano buying land or owning a shop in Onitsha market the same way Emeka owed a house and many landed properties in Iwo. I reiterate, that Igbos have to soften their stance on access to land by other Nigerians.

I challenge the former Governor of Central of Nigeria and incumbent Governor of Anambra State to appoint a Yoruba or Hausa man as one of his cabinet members as done by Lagos, Osun, Kano, Kaduna and Sokoto State Governments.

The stakeholders in the zone should address their subjects to promote mutual coexistence. People should be allowed to go to work and transact business. Sit at home order will do more harm to people’s means of survival. Secession is an abstract concept in modern Nigeria.



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Posted by on Apr 21 2022. Filed under Delta, Headlines, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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