Home » Elections 2011, Headlines, Kaduna, State News » 45 suspects arraigned for post-election violence in Kaduna

45 suspects arraigned for post-election violence in Kaduna

NO  fewer than 45 persons have been arraigned  for post-presidential  election violence that swept across some northern states.

Kaduna State Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Jonathan Adamu, said on Thursday the  45 persons were among the  380 arrested by the police in connection with the crisis.

He added that the police were still investigating some other people arrested during the violence, saying his ministry had issued legal advice on six out of the 10 case diaries presented to them by the police regarding the crisis.

“We expect that as soon as they complete this exercise, they will forward their report to us for advice and prosecution where necessary,”  he said.

Adamu also said the police had been investigating the series of attacks carried out by unknown persons in some Kaduna communities, adding  that three persons had been arrested in connection with the attack and killing of two women at Tabak, in Zangon Kataf Local Government Area of the state.

 On  the  local government elections in the state, the commissioner said the State House of Assembly was working on reviewing the laws establishing the state Independent Electoral Commission to make it compliant with the Electoral act.

He said, “We discovered that some sections of the state electoral law are in conflict with the Electoral Act. For example, why our law says you should give 60-day notice of election, the Electoral Act stipulates 90 days. Our law does make provision for party agents to be given copies of the results at the pulling unit. We want to correct all these before the election and I know that the Assembly is working on that law,” he said.


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Posted by on Jun 1 2012. Filed under Elections 2011, Headlines, Kaduna, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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