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Why Nigerian passengers were manhandled at Togo airport — NCAA

Why Nigerian passengers were manhandled at Togo airport — NCAA

A screengrab from the viral video

By Lawani Mikairu

The Director General, Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority, NCAA, Captain Musa Nuhu, has explained, on Monday, why Nigerian passengers were manhandled by Asky Airline officials at Lome Airport, Togo.

A video of airline officials handcuffing and generally manhandling Nigerian passengers went viral, generating reactions.

According to Captain Nuhu, the Nigerians entered restricted areas.

The Nigerians were travelling on Ethiopian Airlines from the United States of America to Lagos.

When they got to Lome, they were told that their connecting flight was full and that they could not continue the trip.

Some tried to protest, were manhandled and handcuffed by the Togolese security personnel and airline staff members.

Some had their mobiles confiscated.

Speaking to newsmen on Monday in Lagos, Captain Nuhu said: “The security agencies in Togo maltreated some of the Nigerian travellers, who were stranded in that country.

“But before then, they alleged that the travellers entered the restricted areas at the airport.



“The airline has written us a letter, apologising to us that it will not happen again.

“So, we are just following up for them to sort things out. We are trying to sort out things. I am still talking with the CAA of Togo.

“The DG is a good friend of mine. We just lodged in our complaints officially so that the record will be there, but the airline has apologised.

“Whatever it is, we will be able to resolve it amicably. Our apologies to the Nigerian passengers who were maltreated,” he added.


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Posted by on Dec 20 2021. Filed under Aviation, Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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