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Rare Photo Of Peter Obi Standing On Rock in Ogun State Sparks Reactions

Rare Photo Of Peter Obi Standing On Rock In Ogun State Sparks Reactions

Peter Obi Storms Aba To Woo Abia Businessmen – [Photos]

By Rachel Okporu Fadoju

The Labour Party (LP) presidential candidate, Peter Obi, has sparked reactions after a photo of him standing on a rock surfaced online.

Naija News earlier reported that Peter Obi on Saturday stormed Ogun State in continuation of his campaigns for the 2023 elections.

Obi was in Ogun State alongside his running mate, Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed, the Director-General of his campaign team, Akin Osuntokun, and some other chieftains of the Labour Party.

Speaking on the peculiarity of the Ogun State rally, Obi took to his Twitter account to appreciate the support he has gotten from some prominent people in the state.

One of the photos shared shows the former governor of Anambra State standing on the rock which is called ‘Okwute’ in Southwest Nigeria.

Many supporters of the LP flagbearer consider the photo significant and took time to wish him good luck ahead of the election.

@Peter_Obi_kid wrote: “Peter Obi is the Rock No gate of Hell In Nigeria that will Fashion against him.”

@Abolari61042108 wrote: “This not a coincidence but God’s plan”

@Nedunkem wrote: “And on this rock, we shall build our Nation!”

@Pillar20725606 wrote: “He knows the country and its problems”

@premiumohye_ wrote: “Mandate different from the mandate, our mandate is still and steady as a rock theirs is a wobbling leg.”

@Godwill4sure wrote: “I can be proud to say it anywhere I find myself in word to say that’s my president”

@EbenzAd wrote: “Upon this rock, God planted the president, no cabal can prevail over it. Hundreds of PDAPC can’t even”

@OTDEEone wrote: “Peter obi my idol, the rock”

@ZeleGabbi wrote: “Peter the Rock on the Rock”


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Posted by on Feb 5 2023. Filed under Headlines, Latest Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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