Home » Enugu, Headlines, Kogi, State News » A senior lawyer, Barr Eli Ugwu, shot dead in Enugu State after delivering ransom to kidnappers

A senior lawyer, Barr Eli Ugwu, shot dead in Enugu State after delivering ransom to kidnappers

A senior lawyer, Barr Eli Ugwu, shot dead in Enugu State after delivering ransom to kidnappers

By Emmanuel Ugwueze

The incident has thrown the entire people of Nsukka into deep agony.

Information reaching DAILY POST shows that the legal practitioner was shot dead in Kogi State shortly after delivering ransom to kidnappers who abducted his cousin.

There are, however, controversies trailing his death.

Initial claims had said he was shot by the kidnappers after delivering the ransom.

A Facebook user, Senator Chijinkem Ugwuanyi wrote on his timeline: “A part of us is Gone! He was shot dead in Kogi state while trying to pay ransom for his kidnapped cousin.

“The story is not clear since yesterday but this is the much we know at the moment.”

However, emerging reports now say Ugwu was shot dead by military men as he was coming out of the bush, alongside his cousin upon his release by the kidnappers.

Responding to Chijinkem’s post, another user wrote: “Barr Eli Ugwù was shot by the Military men according to a report from Kogi State.

“He has finished paying ransom for a cousin of his who was kidnapped. On their way out the military opened fire on them.

“The kidnap victim is said to have sustained gunshot injury but wasn’t badly hurt. Eli was not that lucky.”

Eli, until his death, was a strong member of the Nigerian Bar Association, NBA, Nsukka branch.

The Kogi State Police command is yet to issue any statement on the incident.

-Daily Post


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Posted by on Mar 13 2024. Filed under Enugu, Headlines, Kogi, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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