Home » Abia, Armed Forces, Elections 2011, NNP Elections 2011 Updates, State News » Abia ACN candidate calls for Ihejirika’s resignation over polls

Abia ACN candidate calls for Ihejirika’s resignation over polls

Abia State Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) governorship candidate Paul Ikonne has called for the resignation of the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt.Gen Azubike Ihejirika, over the role of soldiers in last month’s polls.

Ikonne spoke in Aba, last   weekend.

 He said the soldiers were not above board.

Ikonne alleged that the military was used by the government to commit electoral fraud.

He said soldiers snatched ballot boxes, stuffed ballot boxes with already thumb printed ballot papers,and intimidated voters.

His words: “The role of the military and other security agencies in the elections was unfortunate. I call for the immediate resignation of Gen. Ihejirika from that office because the soldiers committed electoral fraud.”

Ikonne said the ACN would challenge the outcome of the election at the tribunal. 

He questioned his opponent’s votes in Aba North, adding: “When they openly threw pure water sachets at his convoy during his visit to the city,the people told President Goodluck Jonathan that he was not an electoral material.”

 “This is a man whose security details killed two people in Ohafia and you are saying that the people from that area alone gave him    65,057 votes; this is outrageous.”

Ikonne said  ACN had decided to go to the tribunal,  adding: “If he had won fairly, I would have been the first to congratulate him; we are going to challenge the  results.”

Ikonne alleged that there was no election in the state.                      He said: “What we had was allocation of votes to people, intimidation of the electorate, stuffing and snatching of ballot boxes and the intimidation of the people of Isuikwuato by the soldiers.”

He alleged that what the Returning Officer (RO) announced were the results concocted by officials.   

Ikonne said he was sure of the restoration of his stolen mandate.

-The Nationwp_posts

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Posted by on May 2 2011. Filed under Abia, Armed Forces, Elections 2011, NNP Elections 2011 Updates, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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