Home » Headlines, Sex and Relationship » Ada Uburu becomes toast of social media after cancelling wedding with violent groom

Ada Uburu becomes toast of social media after cancelling wedding with violent groom

Ada Uburu and David Okeke

Ada Aburu, a creative writer has become the toast of the Nigerian social media space after she cancelled her wedding scheduled for Saturday 16 April in Uburu, Rivers State,

Ada whose real name is Miss Michael Ozioma Helen was scheduled to marry David Okike, at Winners Chapel in Uburu, with the reception all planned for same day.

Three days to the wedding, Ada called the ceremony off.

Her reason: the man she wanted to marry, a brother in Winners Chapel, an old classmate, has been a beast in human garb.

He had been visiting violence on her, beating her at every little misunderstanding and even threatening to butcher her with a cutlass, right in his mother’s house.

The violence began after he paid the bride price, Ada wrote.

Her letter announcing the wedding cancellation has been shared and liked by thousands.

At a moment Thursday on Facebook trends, 22,000 people were talking about her, praising her courage for avoiding consummating what will certainly be an abusive relationship.

The many reactions were against the backdrop of the death last Friday of popular gospel singer Osinachi Nwachukwu, who the family, friends and children said was a victim of domestic abuse by her husband, resulting in her death.

Ada revealed in her reluctant statement that her intending husband began to maltreat her after he paid the bride price.

Her story is heart-rending and Nigerians who have read her and shared it, could not stop wondering why some men still turn their wives, that they claim they love into punching bags.

For Ada too, she felt “Beating me was not part of the agreement in our Marriage”.

“For couple of months now I have been going through a lot.

I have been in a TOXIC RELATIONSHIP for OVER a YEAR now”, Ada wrote on Facebook.

“I am aware that this may be a shock to many people, especially people from my Home Town. My supposed husband HIT and ABUSE me in any slightest provocation, just small misunderstanding without minding what condition I am into.

“Because I have chosen ME and I will not live my entire life facing DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. My supposed husband is full of RAGE, BEATING me with his Belt, Stick, Broom is his DAILY ROUTINE, Many a times he had lifted his hammer ?? on me and this Monday last week just because of little misunderstanding he beat me mercilessly and on the process of it he rushed into his mother’s kitchen for a cutlass, when I noticed he’s going for a weapon I locked the door behind him which he forcefully opened, both his mother and Sisters and some neighbors were begging him not to cut me with the cutlass … With all these things and more I am fed up.


“Please to my family and friends I am so sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you ????

“But I will not end up with a man who always promise that if I didn’t kill him, that he will kill me.

“I am still suffering from unstoppable headache I sustained from the head injury he gave me 3 weeks ago.

“The “bride price paid” will be Returned in due time.

“Please Respect my choices. Thanks and God bless you all.©ADA UBURU

And here is what over 12,000 Nigerians are saying on her Timeline:

Gift Chizuba Duru:

I really appreciate the bold step you took.. Many can’t do this for title sake.

I will also advise that you report this issue to the appropriate authority.so that he can sign an undertaking never to lay his hands on you again.

Because this type of Man is out to destroy…Try as much as possible to watch your back and never look back my dear friend.

Love you

Nnamdi Ozoke

You are even stupid to have endured the beating for one year, when proper marriage rites have not taken place. Once a lady sees a sign that a man is a violent type during courtship, let her run away. Marriage is meant to be enjoyed and not to suffer. That is why the Bible says that he that finds a wife finds a good thing and obtaineth favour from God. Same thing applies to men, because some ladies are violent in nature. So many good men out there are also suffering in the hands of their wives. But that one is not usually made a news for some reasons.

Engr Bright Akendayi

Good oh my dear we are tired of seeing rest in peace in our young lady picture please I believe everyone will learn from this nice decision my sister

Sally Sidi

We’re all so proud of you.

Nwankwo Favour Adaobi

I love you ? Hugs from here my sister I know is not easy. Thank you for taking bold step

Rose LA

I think sister Osinachi’s death is an eye opener to most abusive relationships especially in these so called churches. You deserve better. Be strong your husband will locate you.

Khristie Uka

I love your courage. A better husband will come, I mean the one will love you unconditionally and not a ????????

Portia Phiri from Zimbabwe

Yu are so strong , Domestic violence is never to be tolerated , A man s hand should be raised with love not to hurt

Yu are so brave …I support your decision.Very sorry my sister,

Hugs to you. Love from Zimbabwe.

Esther Osondu

Not all women can do this, this decision of yours is brave and highly respected… Your beloved will come into your garden, you’ll definitely meet a man who will love, respect, cherish you and so on… You’ve done well sis.


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Posted by on Apr 15 2022. Filed under Headlines, Sex and Relationship. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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