Home » Headlines, Ondo, State News » Again, Ondo Amotekun intercepts 168 suspected invaders with 40 motorcycles

Again, Ondo Amotekun intercepts 168 suspected invaders with 40 motorcycles

By Abdul Babajide

Another 168 suspected invaders with dangerous charms, who hid themselves and 40 motorcycles beneath cows hauled in two trucks, have been intercepted by men of the Ondo State Security Network Agency, codenamed “Amotekun.”

DAILY POST reports that this occurred four days after the corps intercepted 151 alleged charm-wielding invaders near Sango along Akure/Ado road.

The suspects were paraded on Monday evening at the headquarters of the corps by the Commander of Amotekun Corps in the State, Akogun Adetunji Adeleye.

Adeleye said that they were stopped near Itaogbolu-Iju in the State’s Akure North Local Government Area after an Amotekun squad became suspicious of their activity.

The Amotekun Commander added that despite their claims that they were picked up in groups along the road and had no destination, investigation had shown that they were traveling from the States of Jigawa and Kano.

“Cows are on the upper floor, motorcycles are wrapped and disassembled in the middle, and 168 people are resting down on the lower floors, so if you’re not observant, you won’t see them.

“Upon interrogation, many of them do not have an address of where they are going, nobody invited them and we are becoming curious of these invasions.

“I called it invasion because you see over 100 able-bodied men concealing themselves under animals, it shows they are up to negative motives.

“As a Nigerian, regardless of the geopolitical zone, you have the right to lawfully go to any part of the country, but it is the unlawful part we are contesting. When you now move in a suspicious way, that would amount to criminality, that is where it puts you to question,” he said.

-Daily Postwp_posts

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Posted by on Aug 9 2022. Filed under Headlines, Ondo, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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