Home » Africa & World Politics, Headlines » Air Peace offers to evacuate Nigerians from Sudan, for free

Air Peace offers to evacuate Nigerians from Sudan, for free

By Bayo Wahab

Allen Onyema said he is compelled to help his compatriots because Nigeria cannot afford to lose its citizens in the ongoing war in Sudan.

The Chairman and Chief Executive Office of Air Peace, Allen Onyema has disclosed the readiness of his airline to evacuate stranded Nigerians in Sudan for free.


Onyema in a statement on Monday, April 24, 2023, said he would bring Nigerian students and others in Sudan back home if the Federal Government can get them to a safe and secure airport in any of the neighbouring countries.

The CEO of the airline said he is compelled to help his compatriots because Nigeria cannot afford to lose its citizens in the ongoing war in the North-East African country.

He said some parents have been calling on him to help their children stranded in the war-torn country.

“Again, Air Peace is willing to evacuate Nigerians stranded in Sudan free of charge if the government can get them to a safe and secure airport in any of the neighbouring countries bordering Sudan. Everything must not be left to the government and the government alone.

“We are very ready to do it immediately. No time wasting. Any action that would promote national pride, national cohesion, peace and unity, we are for it.

“Again, we have no apologies for believing in our nation and loving the nation despite certain national challenges. If they are moved to Kenya or Uganda or any other country, we will move in to get them out. Some parents have started calling on us to help. We are ready to do this again and again,” he said.

Recall that Air Peace offered free flights to Nigerians who were willing to return home from South Africa during xenophobic attacks on them in 2019.

Meanwhile, the Federal Government has resolved to transport over 5,500 stranded Nigerians in war-torn Sudan by road as flight operations have become increasingly dangerous.

The government said the evacuation plan to move by road became imperative following the attack on the flight of a French rescue team in Sudan.


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Posted by on Apr 25 2023. Filed under Africa & World Politics, Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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