Home » Anambra, Aviation, Headlines, State News » Anambra Airport to begin commercial flights in November

Anambra Airport to begin commercial flights in November

By Vincent Ujumadu, Awka

The new Anambra International Cargo and Passenger Airport, Umueri built by Governor Willie Obiano administration will begin commercial flights in November this year.

Secretary to Anambra State Government (SSG), Prof Solo Chukwulobelu, who dropped the hint during a prayer session organized by the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria, PFN, in Awka said finishing touches were being put at the multimillion naira project.

The SSG said: “In the next two months, the National President of Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria will not have to fly to Anambra through Asaba or Enugu; he will fly to Anambra directly, through the Umueri International Passenger and Cargo Airport.

“This is courtesy of Governor Obiano, and we will be looking forward to receiving him during that visit. We are very happy with what the PFN is doing, particularly the prayers offered by PFN President, Bishop Wale Oke.

I heard him offer prayers for Anambra State and the forthcoming governorship election and we are happy that PFN has been supporting the state with prayers.

“The governor is very happy about this gathering, and that is why he waived the N2million payment for this venue and also rescheduled a government function that was to hold here today. “The governor also asked that Prof. Chukwuma Soludo, the candidate of All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA, should accompany me to this event.”

The National President of PFN, Bishop Wale Oke prayed God to give the state God-fearing governor, who would be tolerant of Christians and ready to accommodate God’s people.

“The people of God must feel the impact of governance. No one who is not a believer will be allowed to take governance in Anambra State. The next governor must be a builder, a restorer and a believer,” Bishop Oke said.

Speaking at the event, the candidate of APGA, Prof. Soludo prayed God to give the state God-fearing governor during the November poll.

“I listened to your prayers for the state to be governed by the faithful and I say Amen to it. I am one of you. Your prayer that the next governor of Anambra State must be a believer, restorer and a builder is noted and I want to say that I am part of you, and I support your prayer,” Soludo said.



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Posted by on Sep 17 2021. Filed under Anambra, Aviation, Headlines, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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