Home » Anambra, Headlines, State News » Anambra man confesses before shrine to killing brother with rat poison over piece of land

Anambra man confesses before shrine to killing brother with rat poison over piece of land

Anambra man confesses before shrine to killing brother with rat poison over piece of land

By Adekunle Dada

A man identified as Kosarachukwu Ugwuka has confessed before a shrine to have killed his elder brother with rat poison in Akala village in Ezinifite, Nnewi South Local Government Area of Anambra State.

Kosarachukwu made the confession on Sunday, July 10, before a popular shrine at Nando in Anambra East Local Government Area.

The 35-year-old deceased, Chukwudi Josiah Ugwuka, died on April 27, 2022 after battling series of mysterious sicknesses after taken from one hospital to the other.

According to the obituary, the suspect made the burial announcement of the deceased, who was laid to rest on June 23, 2022.

Narrating the incident to The Nation on Tuesday, July 12, a family member who pleaded anonymity said Ugwuka initially denied knowledge of his brother’s death until he was taken to the shrine.

“But when both of them were repeatedly interrogated, the nephew maintained that he is innocent, while Ugwuka continued to accuse him, and also continued to deny that he himself did not have any hand in the death,”

“As a result, the villagers had to resort to using traditional means to unravel the truth. They have to take them to a popular shrine at Nando last Sunday, to swear before the deity, to prove their innocence.

“After his nephew had sworn and was vindicated, Ugwuka was hooked and instantly blinded by the deity while swearing, which made him to start confessing immediately.

It was during the confession that he revealed that he killed his elder with rat poison because of land dispute.”

A viral video showed Ugwuka kneeling and confessing at the shrine, while being interrogated by the villagers.

“I poisoned my brother to death with rat poison over land.” he said.


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Posted by on Jul 14 2022. Filed under Anambra, Headlines, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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