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Anarchy spreading fast in Nigeria, former head of state sounds warning

Anarchy spreading fast in Nigeria, former head of state sounds warning

From John Adams, Minna

Former military Head of State Gen Abdulsalami Abubakar (retd) has warned that if nothing is done to address the rising tensions in the country, it might lead to a point of return.

Gen Abdulsalami, who leads the National Peace Committee (NPC) described as unfortunate recent ethnic attacks in some parts the country, which he said have added to the embers of disunity and anarchy, in addition to an epidemic of insurgency, abductions, banditry and robbery.

The former Head of State, appealing to Nigerians who have borne much pain and suffering, reminded them that ‘thousands of our people are homeless and refugees across the length and breadth of their own country,’ stressing that ‘these times demand that we all join hands together to resolve our challenges so as to keep the country united.’

He acknowledged that Nigerians are in a state of fear and collective anxiety, and ‘the last thing we need is for the enemies to sense a lack of unity on our part or a break in the rank.

‘Let us all really together in this hard times, make the require sacrifices and remain vigilant, standing by one another. We do not have the luxury of trading blame.’

While commending the security agencies for their sacrifices, the former military leader appealed to the new Service Chiefs and the Inspector-General of Police (IGP) to rise to the urgent demands of the moment by rallying their troops and designing the best strategies for ending the wave of insecurity and unrest.

Gen Abdulsalami commended President Muhammadu Buhari for exploring all measures and ensuring that tensions are lowered, pointing out that ‘we at the National Peace Committee (NPC) wish to add our voice to the voices of millions of Nigerians, calling for calm in these difficult times.’

He also urged the traditional rulers to rise up to occasion as they have a great role to play in mobilising Nigerians on the need to live in peace with one another.


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Posted by on Feb 16 2021. Filed under Abdulsalaami Abubakar (1998-99), Latest Politics, National Politics, Presidency. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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