Home » Education, Headlines » ASUU Strike: FG insists on No-Work-No-Pay for lecturers

ASUU Strike: FG insists on No-Work-No-Pay for lecturers

Minister of Education, Adamu Adamu on Thursday said the Federal Government would not pay salaries of members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) who had been on strike over the past six months

He insisted that government would strictly apply strictly the “no work, no pay policy” stressing that the striking lecturers would not receive salaries for the period that the continue to be on strike.

The minister disclosed the position of government to State House Correspondents when he featured on the weekly press briefing organised by the Presidential Communication Team, at the Presidential Villa.

According to him, the insistence of lecturers that they be paid for the period they are on strike was one of the reasons why the issues around the strike has net been resolved.

“All contentious issues between the government and ASUU had been settled except the quest for members’ salaries for the period of strike be paid, a demand that Buhari has flatly rejected.” he stated.

The minister said the President’s position had been communicated to the lecturers who are being awaited to call off the strike.

According to him, Government turned down the demand of the lecturers that they be paid for the period they are on strike to check the excesses of trade unions that want to be paid for work not done.

Adamu further disclosed that the University Transparency and Accountability Solution (UTAS) payment system proposed by ASUU has outscored the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS) already in use by government and which the lecturers are kicking against.

He stated that the rejection was to check the excesses of trade unions that want to be paid for work not done.

Adamu further disclosed that the University Transparency and Accountability Solution (UTAS) payment system proposed by ASUU has outscored the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System (IPPIS) already in use by government and which the lecturers are kicking against.

He further explained that the IPPIS has been updated to now accommodate payment of those on sabbatical, saying “I was reminded even the current IPPIS has been made to accommodate sabbatical. I didn’t know this. Somebody just told me.”wp_posts

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Posted by on Aug 18 2022. Filed under Education, Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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