Home » General Politics, Ibrahim Babangida (1985-93), Latest Politics, National Politics, Presidency, Top Stories » Babangida roots for Osinbajo to lead Nigeria in 2023 (How about rooting for an Igbo president? Still one Nigeria?)

Babangida roots for Osinbajo to lead Nigeria in 2023 (How about rooting for an Igbo president? Still one Nigeria?)

Ex-military president Ibrahim Babangida and VP Yemi Osinbajo

By Chijioke Okoronkwo

In a move that will certainly generate political tremors across the country in the days ahead, former Nigeria’s military president, retired Gen. Ibrahim Babangida on Thursday said Vice President Yemi Osinbajo is the best person succeed President Muhammadu Buhari in 2023.



Osinbajo has not declared interest in running for the presidency in 2023.

But there are many groups going round the country asking him to come out and join the presidential race and trying to secure support for the yet- to – be declared ambition among key stakeholders across Nigeria.

One of such organisations, Osibanjo Grassroot Organisation visited the former military president popularly known as IBB in his Hill Top residence in Minna, the Niger capital on Thursday.

While receiving his guests, Babangida said he is already convinced that Osinbajo should be Nigeria’s next president.

Babangida, however, urged Osinbajo to remain focused and resilient.

“Osinbajo has great passion for Nigeria, he is one that can communicate with the country and inspire people among other qualities; he is the best person to lead Nigeria in 2023.

“I know the vice president very well; he is a good man; a man who has conviction about Nigeria; a man who can communicate with the country and inspire people.

“Such a man is worthy person to work with; we need good man to lead Nigeria; a man who has passion for this country’s economy; Nigeria is a good country; the people of Nigeria are good.

“You must learn to understand people and constant discussion is key; I want to convey my best wishes to the vice president through you and I want you to tell him to stay the course; I know it’s not easy but he has the conviction; I wish him the best.”

The former military leader told the group that he accepted to speak to the members because of the person of the vice president and because of his conviction that Osinbajo has what it takes to lead the country.

The National Convener of the organisation, Mr Ojo Foluso, said the group was happy with Babangida ‘s endorsement.

“We came to consult the oracle and the oracle has spoken; IBB is an oracle because he understands Nigeria,” he said.

He said the group would continue to mount pressure on Osibanjo to show interest in contesting for the presidency in 2023.

The leader of the team, Chief Emma Ejiofor, said the group was ready to work with counsel from prominent citizens like Babangida because of their sound knowledge and understanding of Nigeria.

He said Nigeria was in dire need of leaders with conviction and passion for its development.



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Posted by on Dec 25 2021. Filed under General Politics, Ibrahim Babangida (1985-93), Latest Politics, National Politics, Presidency, Top Stories. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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