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Babangida speaks on 2023 elections, others

Babangida speaks on 2023 elections, others

Former Military President, retired Gen. Ibrahim Babangida, has called on Nigerians to steer clear of hate speech and other acts capable of causing disunity in the country.

Babangida has also advised Nigerians to ignore unpatriotic politicians and individuals whose stock in trade was disrupting the peace of the nation.

This, the former leader said, was imperative as campaigns for the 2023 General Elections would soon commence.

The News Agency of Nigeria ( NAN) reports that Babangida spoke to journalists as part of activities to commemorate his 81st birthday in his Minna residence on Wednesday.

Babangida said that Nigerians should not give up hope over the challenges bedeviling the country saying, “this too shall pass.”

”I plead with us to be patient with one another and be prayerful for God’s intervention in our socio-economic and political activities.

” We need to continue to sensitize people on how to live in peace and harmony for peace, progress and for the continuous existence as a nation ,” he added.

Babangida also urged Nigerians to continue to have faith in the unity of the country and remain resolute that Nigeria will get better.

He said: ”If the media and journalists ignore the spreaders of hate, they will not have a platform to pass their messages across.

“You are doing enough to promote the unity of the country. You can change the psychic of Nigerians.

” I implore you to ignore those that preach hate and disunity. Ignore them and don’t bother about them.”

The former president said that the media can shape how Nigerians behave, urging, ”you should put in more deliberate efforts to change the Nigerian narrative.

“You can only do this through objective reportage and I like the debate that is ongoing in the media.

”It is giving the people the insight that they need to see. What the media is doing now is very good.”

Appreciating God for seeing him through the years, the elder statesman said that patience is a virtue that has shaped him in the journey of life, while faith has kept him through everything.

“I give thanks to God for keeping me through these years. The lessons I have learnt over the years that have shaped me are patience and respect for every human being.

” Nigerians should learn to imbibe these virtues, “he appealed. (NAN)


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Posted by on Aug 17 2022. Filed under Elections, Elections 2023, Headlines, Ibrahim Babangida (1985-93), Presidency. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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