Home » Bauchi, Headlines, State News » Bauchi to partner with critical stakeholders on climate change – Gov. Muhammed

Bauchi to partner with critical stakeholders on climate change – Gov. Muhammed

Bauchi State Government has reaffirmed its determination to work in active synergy with critical stakeholders as part of efforts to address climate change and other challenges associated with the environment.
The State Governor, Senator Bala Abdulkadir Mohammed stated this yesterday in Baucji when he flagged off three days evacuation of solid waste embarked by a Non-Governmental Organisation NGO , Masarki Nigeria Limited as part of its corporate social responsibility.
Govrernor Bala who was represented by the Commissioner, Ministry of Housing and Environment Alhaji Hamisu Mu’azu Shira, expressed gratitude to the company for the gesture.
He said the importance of keeping environment clean cannot be over emphasized, stressed the need for people of the state to support the administration in order to achieve the desired objectives.
Governor said, “Corporate Social Responsibility clearly means services to be rendered at no cost. If we are to pay, it may cost us more than 200 million naira to carry out the exercise.”
The Managing Director of the Company, Alhaji Yakubu Sa’idu said the exercise to be conducted freely was part of the support of the company to the administration of Governor Bala Abdulkadir Mohammed of the state.
Represented by Usman Shitu, the managing director pledged the readiness of his company towards assisting the governor to ensure a healthy and clean environment.
Sa’idu said the company deemed it necessary to conduct such exercise in the state because of the support of Governor Bala Mohammed to the company while he was the FCT Minister.wp_posts

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Posted by on Dec 26 2019. Filed under Bauchi, Headlines, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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