Home » Articles, Columnists, Leonard K. Shilgba, PhD, NNP Columnists » Birthing the Nigerian Spirit – By Prof. Leonard K. Shilgba

Birthing the Nigerian Spirit – By Prof. Leonard K. Shilgba

We must come to a time in our journey when religion shall be only a PRIVATE affair;
Then, the Nigerian spirit shall be born.
We must not complain about poor governance, only to insist on the menu of stale religion at the same time;
Then, the Nigerian spirit shall be born.
We ask for competition in education and sports, but cry out, “injustice”, only because we hate competition in politics, but desire donation of power.
Where is religion in the midst of hate; where is religion in the midst of betrayal; where is religion in the midst of division; where is religion in the midst of incitement and lies; and where is religion in the midst of abuse of public trust?
You are not from my tribe, so I will not support you; but I am RELIGIOUS.
You are not from my region, so you are not good enough; but I am RELIGIOUS.
Give me religion, and I can endure insecurity.
Give me religion, and I can endure a poor economy.
Religion is enough for me.
Haven’t you got enough of religion in your mosques and churches, and you want more in government?  Oh, a cover for private gain; a deceiving tool against the simple is your RELIGION.
You angry religious, you stealing religious, you lying religious,  you incompetent religious, you duplicitous religious, I don’t need your support.
Whoever keeps talking of religion, ethnicity, and region in our search for better governance and so a better society is a suspect; suspect for the crime against the people, the crime of abuse of power.
Enough of the camouflage; enough of the blinkers! The Nigerian spirit must be born.
What are the needs of Nigerians; what are our core values? Having answered those questions, we must ask the next: Who can help us to meet those needs, and who reflects those values? No Islamic or Christian CHIEFTAINS must talk to us about religious candidates. If they feel so strongly about them, let the chieftains appoint them overseers of their various religious organizations!
We don’t need distractions at this historic moment in Nigeria’s life.
Leonard Karshima Shilgba
General Overseer
Bible Clinic Ministry
© Shilgba


Leonard Karshima Shilgba, PhD

Professor of Mathematics,
Director of Academic Planning and Quality Assurance,
Pioneer Ag Vice Chancellor/President,
Pioneer Vice President (Academics)

Admiralty University of Nigeria


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Posted by on Jun 21 2022. Filed under Articles, Columnists, Leonard K. Shilgba, PhD, NNP Columnists. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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