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Bishop Oyedepo warns Nigerians against voting for a particular candidate few days to election

Bishop Oyedepo warns Nigerians against voting for a particular candidate few days to election

By Rachel Okporu Fadoju

The General Overseer of Living Faith Church, Bishop David Oyedepo, has warned Nigerians against voting for a particular candidate due to loyalty to a tribe.



Naija News reports that Oyedepo while speaking to his church members on the 2023 elections on Sunday, said the country has witnessed a wide range of security challenges in the last eight years which is an indication that power must change hands in 2023.

According to the clergyman, one of the candidates neglected the killing of citizens and still insists he would change the narratives.

Oyedepo dared the ‘unnamed’ candidate to tell Nigerians what his party has done instead of making new promises.

Oyedepo went further to warn Nigerians against blind loyalty to political parties and tribes at the expense of the future of Nigeria.

He said Nigerians should vote wisely, their conscience and the future of the coming generation, adding the presidency is not a traditional stool.

He said: “Nigeria has witnessed a wide range of security challenges. We have faced that gruesomely for the last eight years. People claim responsibility for killings and are walking on the streets. They take a sword in today’s world and cut off a man’s neck. Then somebody is coming again to say this is what they will do, let them tell us what they have done.

“Listen to me, there is no party without members of this church. There are founders of parties who are members of this church but we are talking about the nation, not a party. We are talking about the people, not a party, no tribe owns Nigeria, the presidency is not a traditional stool.”


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Posted by on Feb 19 2023. Filed under Elections, Elections 2023, Latest Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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