Home » Headlines, NDLEA (Anti-Drug Agency), Nigerian Police » BREAKING: Abba Kyari arrested, handed over to NDLEA

BREAKING: Abba Kyari arrested, handed over to NDLEA

Nigeria police officer Abba Kyari (R); Hushpuppi (L)

Suspended DCP Abba Kyari has been arrested and handed over to the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, NDLEA.

Sources told Vanguard in confidence that DCP Abba Kyari and members of his IRT team were taken into custody and shortly after handed over to the NDLEA operatives.

Recall that earlier in the day, NDLEA had declared Abba Kyari wanted after he was accused of leading a cartel of drug barons operating Brazilian and Singapore networks.


NDLEA declares Abba Kyari, Nigeria police officer, wanted by the FBI, is a member of an international drug cartel

By Dennis Erezi

Nigeria’s National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) on Monday said the suspended top police officer Abba Kyari is a member of an international drug cartel.

NDLEA also declared Kyari, a deputy commissioner of police and former head of the Intelligence Response Team (IRT), wanted for pushing illicit drugs.

“With the intelligence at our disposal, the Agency believes strongly that DCP Kyari is a member of a drug cartel that operates the Brazil-Ethiopia-Nigeria illicit drug pipeline, and he needs to answer questions that crop up in an ongoing drug case in which he is the principal actor.

His failure to cooperate forced the hand of the Agency and that is the reason for this press briefing,” NDLEA spokesman told journalists in Abuja.

NDLEA explained that “Kyari initiated a call to one of the NDLEA officers in Abuja at 2:12 pm. When the officer returned the call two minutes later, Kyari informed him he was coming to see him, to discuss an operational matter after the Juma’at service.

“He proposed a drug deal whereby he and his team are to take 15kg of the cocaine and leave 10kg for the prosecution of the suspects arrested with the illicit drug in Enugu.

“In the meantime, the purloined cocaine will be replaced with a dummy worth 15kg. He asked the NDLEA officer to persuade men of the FCT Command, to play along as well.”

NDLEA said it has invited Kyari for questioning since concluding its investigation but the suspended police chief is yet to respond.

Kyari was suspended by the police after United States’ FBI indicted him in the fraud case of a popular fraudster, Ramon Abbas, known as Hushpuppi.

United State authorities said Kyari was a conspirator with Hushpuppi in a $1.1 million deal to defraud a Qatari businessman.

Kyari is facing extradition to the United State for prosecution in the case.


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Posted by on Feb 14 2022. Filed under Headlines, NDLEA (Anti-Drug Agency), Nigerian Police. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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