Home » All Peoples' Congress (APC), Headlines, Party Politics » Buhari to Nigerians: Please forgive us, Tinubu will continue where we stop (Continue the killings, kidnapping, suffering and death?)

Buhari to Nigerians: Please forgive us, Tinubu will continue where we stop (Continue the killings, kidnapping, suffering and death?)

By Augustine Okezie, Katsina

President Muhammadu Buhari has pleaded with Nigerians to forgive and endure the shortcomings of his administration.

He assured the next administration of the presidential candidate of All Progressives Congress (APC) Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu will not only correct those shortcomings but continue from where wherever he stops.

Buhari stated these on Monday while addressing a huge crowd at the Dikko Stadium Katsina for the presidential campaign rally of APC.

He blamed the economic downturn in Nigeria to the COVID-19 pandemic and several other challenges, insisting though that his administration made some modest achievements

According to him: ’’Please in the name of God, be patient with us and forgive us. Tell your friends, brothers, sisters and children to continue to vote for APC, Tinubu will continue from where we stop.

‘’Ensure your votes go to Tinubu for President and Dikko Radda for Governor of katsina state and to other candidates of the party also.’’

Tinubu pointed out the APC Progressive Governors Forum and Campaign Council contemplated postponing the rally in honour of the 41 Katsina residents terrorists killed last weekend but went ahead with a strong determination to defeat the terrorists.

He said: ‘’We will not be deterred by security threats to our people. We will deal with the terrorists. They are evil and we will defeat them and they will not win.

‘’Whether they derive joy and satisfaction from their wicked acts we are stronger and better than them‘’only Allah can heal our pains, the children, widows and the bereaved shall be catered for. Also men in uniform who paid the supreme price shall not be forgotten also.’’

Governor Aminu Bello Masari described the battle for the presidency as a fight between light represented by Tinubu and the APC and the darkness represented by other candidates.

He announced Tinubu donated N100m to the families and victims of the 41 Katsina residents recently killed in Bakori by terrorists.

-The Nationwp_posts

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Posted by on Feb 7 2023. Filed under All Peoples' Congress (APC), Headlines, Party Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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