Before You Become an Extremist by Abdulrazaq O. Hamzat

By Abdulrazaq O Hamzat | NNP | July 6, 2015 – Prophet Muhammed said: (Avoid extremes in your religion: those before you perished because they were extreme )- Nesa’ee, Ibn Majja & Ahmad The Prophet also added that, (Those who are extreme and too strict in their words and deeds will fail and perish) – […]

Xenophobia: Who Will Rescue Africa from Itself? – By Abdulrazaq O. Hamzat

By Abdulrazaq O. Hamzat | NNP | April 30, 2015 – A friend narrated what he saw in a one of the videos of xenophobic attacks currently going on in South Africa. Here him, ‘’I saw a crowd charging at a white vehicle. In the crowd were youths,men and women and some with babies on […]

British Crown and African Sit-Tight Rulership – By Abdulrazaq O. Hamzat

By Abdulrazaq O. Hamzat | NNP | Jan. 2, 2014 – British history have it that, the monarchy is the “raft of people who are paid out of the civil list”. Structural Marxism argues that, the monarchy symbolises an “ideological state apparatus” through which stability is retained while the elite theorist claims that the monarchy […]

Letter to Chibok Girls – By Abdulrazaq O. Hamzat

By Abdulrazaq O. Hamzat | NNP | July 13, 2014 – On the night of 14–15 April 2014, a group of militants attacked your school (Government Girls Secondary School) in Chibok community and took over 200 of you away from the reach of your parents and loved one’s. You were taken away by bokoharam terrorists […]

I am a Victim of Terror – By Abdulrazaq O. Hamzat

By Abdulrazaq O Hamzat | NNP | July 3, 2014 – “One fact that must sink in our memory is this,Terrorism has no friend, it is an enemy of all. Terrorists are no friends to anyone, they could kill anyone. They could kill their parents, may kill their friends and could even kill themselves. Live […]

Calling the Nigerian Police to Reason – By Amb. Abdulrazaq O. Hamzat

By Amb. Abdulrazaq O Hamzat | Abuja, Nigeria | Sept. 17, 2013 – When I first read the news about police preventing the Rivers State Governor, Chubuike Rotimi Amaechi from entering the government house, I take it as one of those falsified news report concocted to mislead the public, but I after some while, the […]

How to Remember June 12th Correctly and What Should be Learnt from the Annulment – By Abdulrazaq O. Hamzat

By Abdulrazaq O. Hamzat | NNP | June 14, 2013 – Exactly today, 20 years ago, precisely on June 12 1993, the Nigerian military President, General Ibrahim Gbadamosi Babangida (IBB) conducted an election which was widely regarded as the most free, fair and peaceful election in the history of Nigeria and at the same time, […]

Why Democracy & Good Governance Are Not Working in Nigeria – By Abdulrazaq O. Hazmat

By Abdulzaraq O. Hamzat / NNP / Nov. 23, 2012 – Someone might have asked you, or you may have been asking yourself this question: if democracy means all the theoretical, institutional and behavioural dimensions that is usually written in books, why is it that not every country in the world where democratic government is […]


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