The Importance of Voting in a Truly Democratic Society – By Adewale T. Akande

By Adewale Akande | Barcelona, Spain | February 28, 2019 –  In a true democratic society, it is essential to ensure a government that follows the will of the people and not the one that force the people to follow it, that is, a “government of the people, by the people, and for the people” […]

An Open Letter to the Good People of Oyo State – By Adewale T. Akande

By Adewale T. Akande | Barcelona, Spain | Jan. 2, 2014 AN OPEN LETTER TO THE GOOD PEOPLE OF OYO STATE Good day and compliment of the season to all sons and daughters of Oyo State. Precisely on the 3rd of February this year, Oyo State clocked 38 years. In 1976, our able State was […]

The Lesson Learnt from One Man Peaceful Protest in Ibadan – By Adewale Akande

By Adewale T. Akande | Barcelona, Spain | Feb. 23, 2014 – Idi Ape-Akobo Ojurin-Olorunda road is known to me as a resident for the past ten years now. The road is known for the horrible traffic hold-ups due to spontaneous increase in the population of the residents with corresponding increase in the volume of […]

The Quality of a Good Politician in a Democratic Society – By Adewale T. Akande

By Adewale T Akande | Barcelona, Spain | Jan. 12, 2014 – My little Oxford dictionary defines politician as “person engaged or interested in politics” and politics as “science and art of government; political affairs or life or principles etc.” Politics consists of “social relations involving authority and power”. A politician is defined as one […]

An Open Letter to Okada Riders (Motorcyclists) – By Adewale T. Akande

By Adewale T. Akande | Barcelona, Spain | Dec. 15, 2013 – Good day and compliment of the season to you all my dear brothers riding motorcycles to make a living. We just have to be positive in our thinking, hardworking and try our best to be law abiding and responsible citizen of the society. […]

Boko Haram: The Dilemma of Human Ignorance, Religion Fideism and Failure of Leadership – By Adewale Akande

By Adewale Akande, Barcelona, Spain, Jan. 18. 2012 – Without mincing words, I am using this opportunity to console the souls of innocent citizens that lost their lives, commiserates with the families of those who lost their loved ones and wish those injured speedy recovery from the “absurd” (according to the White House)  and “senseless” […]

An Open Letter to All Nigerians Living Abroad – By Adewale T. Akande

By Adewale T. Akande, Barcelona, Spain, Jan. 6, 2012 – My dear countrymen and women, I am using this urgent and important open letter to congratulate all Nigerians from all ethnic and religious individuals, groups, associations, and communities living outside the shore of Nigeria for a Happy New Year, 2012. I pray that this new […]

An Open Letter to All Newly Elected Nigerian Reps – By Adewale T. Akande

By Adewale T. Akande, Barcelona, Spain – August 28, 2011 –  Your excellency lawmakers, I am using this forum to congratulate you all for having opportunity to be among those political trustees elected to represent our opinions, perspectives and interests in leading us to a nation of our dreams. We have lived in the worst […]

Time to make ACN a truly national party

As most Nigerians accurately predicted, the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) made a clean sweep of all the positions contested in the just concluded 2011 general elections in the South West, thereby taking the zone back to where it has always belonged.  The South West is traditionally the bastion of the progressive hue of politics, […]

Open Letter from Awo, Balewa & Zik to Jonathan – By Adewale T. Akande

By Adewale T. Akande, Barcelona, Spain – May 29, 2011 – On behalf of all Nigerians in heaven, we are using this forum to congratulate you for winning the recently concluded general elections that will usher you as an elected President of Federal Republic of Nigeria on the 29th of May. We are also congratulating […]


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