Colonialism failed Nigeria on wealth creation; Nigeria depended on oil – Strategist Chiakwelu

Colonialism failed Nigeria on wealth creation; Nigeria depended on oil – Strategist Chiakwelu United States based Nigerian economic strategist Emeka Chiakwelu and the founder of public policy center AFRIPOL has blamed Nigeria dire dependence on oil as a consequence of colonialism. “Among the negative ramifications of colonialism is the inability to impact a legacy of […]

Poem: The Earth of George Floyd – By Emeka Chiakwelu

The Earth of George Floyd – By Emeka Chiakwelu | June 15, 2020 There was a simmering travelling moon Emitting light eclipsed by rapacious scene Enveloping darkness fell in the land That’s was the journey in the alien land But the journey did not start today Nor was it yesterday, it has been 400 years […]

POEM – Albino Boy Biafra – By Emeka Chiakwelu

POEM – Albino Boy Biafra – By Emeka Chiakwelu | NNP  What was your name? Where were your parents? Why are you so thin and pale? With torn clothes, half naked and emaciated body Yes! You were a child of misery and grief Born in hardship cupped with calamity Etched in withered body and soul […]

Geneviev Nnaji ‘s Lionheart Rejected by Oscar – It’s the Money – By Emeka Chiakwelu

By Emeka Chiakwelu | NNP | November 8, 2019 – Genevieve Nnaji is a brilliant and impressive filmmaker. To be frank I never anticipated from her the level of sophistication and intellectual audacity she has exhibited since her emergence on a global stage. She deserved a lot of credit for rewriting the perception of Nollywood female […]

Atiku’s Vice President: Focused on Economic Experts – Peter Obi, Soludo or Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala – By Emeka Chiakwelu

By Emeka Chiakwelu  | NNP | October 10, 2018 – Abubakar Atiku having become the flag bearer of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) must now make the tough and important decision of picking his vice president. The man or woman he picked with reveal to Nigerians especially voters the type of the government he desires to run […]

China Loans to Africa – Trojan Horse in Making? – By Emeka Chiakwelu

By Emeka Chiakwelu | NNP | Sept. 15, 2018 – The rising China Empire is expanding and dominating global trade and commerce at a pace that is mind-blowing and voracious that made in China products have become ubiquitous in all the four corners of the world.   China is neither in charity business nor altruistic but […]

Colonialism Failed Nigeria on Wealth Creation; Nigeria Depended on Oil – Emeka Chiakwelu

United States based Nigerian economic strategist Emeka Chiakwelu and the founder of public policy center AFRIPOL has blamed Nigeria dire dependence on oil as a consequence of colonialism. “Among the negative ramifications of colonialism is the inability to impact a legacy of wealth creation to Nigerians and her entity,” Chiakwelu the economic expert said. Chiakwelu […]

What is Africa…. Shithole? -By Emeka Chiakwelu

Article for publication: Poem – What is Africa…. Shithole? By Emeka Chiakwelu Ancient landscape of body, mind and spirit Noble Humanity of innovation, experience and action Were you not there in the genesis Relegated as the edged narrative in bondage Destruction of mind was deadlier than body Demolition odour of toxic hydrogen sulfide odour of […]

Poem – A Job interview – By Emeka Chiakwelu

Poem – A Job interview By Emeka Chiakwelu It was chilly morning – a baked oasis of pending hope journey to success never doubted the studious mind time to step in as bold and courageous Not when the boiling cup of coffee has been subdued Nobody is going to wait for the starbucks line to […]

Poem – God Bless Texas – Standing strong against Harvey By Emeka Chiakwelu

God Bless Texas – Standing strong against Harvey By Emeka Chiakwelu A meddling dew night Disastrous darkness shrouded in duplicity Destabilizing wind deepen with wrecking flood But what are you? Wind, rain and Yes a flood – a voracious evil Multidimensional devilish character Houston is in its place – beautiful and evergreen So is our […]


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