Reflections on ‘Vote Trading’ in Our Elections – By Dr. Jideofor Adibe

By Jideofor Adibe | NNP | November 12, 2022 | In recent years, ‘vote buying’ has become a popular phrase in our political discourses. But what does this really mean? Is it the same as ‘vote trading’? Does it have any impact on the country’s efforts at deepening its democracy? And what can be done to […]

Sowore: Killing an Ant with a Sledge Hammer – By Dr. Jideofor Adibe

By Dr. Jideofor Adibe | Nasarawa, Nigeria | October 19, 2020 – Omoyele Sowore, former Presidential candidate of the African Action Congress (AAC) and publisher of the online citizen newspaper, Sahara Reporters, has been dominating the news since the Department of State Services picked him up in a Lagos hotel on Saturday August 3, 2019  […]

Madagascar’s COVID-19 Solution and Perils of Soldiering for African Cures -By Dr. Jideofor Adibe

By Dr. Jideofor Adibe | Nasarawa, Nigeria | August 30, 2020 – Recent reports about the trajectory of the COVID-19 in Madagascar shows an uptick in the rise of infections and deaths. According to reports, public hospitals in the country are only admitting patients with severe symptoms because the surge in cases has simply overwhelmed the […]

Prof. Wole Soyinka @ 86 – By Dr. Jideofor Adibe

Dr. Jideofor Adibe | Nasarawa, Nigeria | August 11, 2020 – Nigeria’s wordsmith extraordinaire and master of quotable quotes, Professor Wole Soyinka (born Oluwole Akinwande Soyinka on July 13 1934), turned 86 last Monday. Coincidentally Wole Soyinka became the first black Nobel Laureate in literature in 1986 so his birthday this year has a special […]

Nigeria and the Promises of Democracy – By Dr. Jideofor Adibe

By Jideofor Adibe | Nasarawa, Nigeria | July 8, 2020 – I was impressed with the first few paragraphs of Buhari’s Democracy Day speech. I thought they were quite good, unifying and inspiring. The speech started this way: “Fellow Nigerians, the 2020 celebration of Democracy Day marks 21 years of uninterrupted civil administration in our […]

The Lingering APC Crisis – By Dr. Jideofor Adibe

By Dr. Jideofor Adibe | Nasarawa, Nigeria | July 8, 2020 – The latest round of crisis in the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) has reportedly led to the Inspector-General of Police, IGP, Mohammed Adamu, ordering the seal off of the party’s National Secretariat. The crisis was triggered by the intractable face-off between the party’s […]

Buhari’s Five Years in Office – By Dr. Jideofor Adibe

By Dr. Jideofor Adibe | Nasarawa, Nigeria | June 6, 2020 – May 29, 2020, marked Buhari’s five years in office –  or the end of the first year of his second term in office. How has Buhari fared so far? And what is likely to be his legacy? Answering either of the above questions […]

Why the government should not extend the ‘easing of the lockdown’ again – By Dr. Jideofor Adibe

By Dr.  Jideofor Adibe | Nasarawa, Nigeria | June 3, 2020 – The extension by two weeks of the current ‘easing of the lockdown’ in Lagos, Abuja and Ogun States by two weeks has raised a number of fundamental issues.  Speaking at the daily briefing of the Presidential Task Force, Secretary to the Government Boss Mustapha, […]

Madagascar’s COVID-19 Remedy and the Challenges of African Traditional Medicine – By Dr. Jideofor Adibe

By Dr. Jideofor Adibe | Nasarawa, Nigeria | May 16, 2020 – Madagascar, officially the Republic of Madagascar, (and previously known as the Malagasy Republic),  an island country in the Indian Ocean, approximately 400 kilometres off the coast of East Africa, has been making waves recently with its claim of a herbal cure for COVID-19. […]

Africa and the Coming Cold War 2 – By Dr. Jideofor Adibe

By Dr. Jideofor Adibe | Nasarawa, Nigeria | May 3, 2020 – As we all speculate on the nature of a post COVID-19 world order, one thing seems certain – the altercation between the USA, the world’s largest economy, and China, the second world largest economy, will take centre stage. The ripple effects of this […]


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