The Kidnap of Umaru Dikko – 1984 – By Max Siollun

By Max Siollun | NNP | July 19, 2014 – On 31 December, 1983, the elected government of Nigeria was overthrown in a military coup by the country’s army. The new military government jailed several government ministers for corruption and embezzlement while in office. However, the powerful former Transport Minister, Umaru Dikko, fled to London. […]

Boko Haram & the Lord’s Resistence Army – By Max Siollun

By Max Siollun | NNP | May 14, 2014 – A religiously inspired armed group has been terrorising the north of the country for several years, and has upped the ante by kidnapping over 100 schoolgirls and taking them to a bush hideout. The group plans to “hand out” the girls as trophy wives and […]

Five Things Boko Haram Has Taught Us – By Max Siollun

By Max Siollun | NNP | May 10, 2014 1) Boko Haram is here to stay. Those who keep asking why the army is not able to “finish off” Boko Haram overnight do not understand that terrorism is a decades long problem. This is real life, not a Rambo or Chuck Norris film. Look at […]

If Biafra Had Won the War – By Max Siollun

By Max Siollun | NNP | April 5, 2014 – January 2014 marked the 44th anniversary of the end of the Nigerian civil war, and the end of the short lived Republic of Biafra. Biafra did not live long enough to see its third birthday. Although the war ended 44 years ago, wounds from it […]

Have the Igbos been Reintegrated Back Into Nigeria? – By Max Siollun

By Max Siollun | NNP | Oct. 24, 2012 – In an article he wrote for the UK’s Guardian newspaper last week, Nigeria’s acclaimed author Chinua Achebe said that after the Biafra-Nigeria civil war, “Igbos were not and continue not to be reintegrated into Nigeria, one of the main reasons for the country’s continued backwardness.” […]

Boko Haram: Iron Fist in a Velvet Glove – By Max Soillun

By Max Siollun | NNP | June 13, 2012 – Former US President Theodore Roosevelt once famously said that one should “talk softly and carry a big stick”. In dealing with Boko Haram, the Nigerian government has so far chosen to talk softly OR carry a big stick, but has declined to do both simultaneously. […]

Is Ojukwu a Hero or Villain?

By Max Siollun, NNP – Jan. 10, 2011 – January is a key month in Nigeria’s history. This January marks the 41st anniversary of the end of the Nigerian civil war, and the 44th anniversary of the Aburi accords – the debate in Aburi in Ghana which nearly pre-empted the war. The pivotal figure in […]

NIGERIANS: Please Stop Recycling

By Max Siollun – NNP- Dec 24, 2010 – I do not wish to appear politically incorrect or to be a person that does not care about the environment or planet Earth that we all share. However I am pleading with all Nigerians to stop recycling. That’s right , I said it: STOP recycling OLD […]


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