Poem: Beyond 2015 General Elections in Nigeria – By Muhammad Ajah

By Muhammad Ajah | NNP | March 10, 2015 – Beyond 2015 general elections in Nigeria By Muhammad Ajah I have the feeling That March 28, the apportioned date Moved from February 14 Will come to reality When Nigerians will troop out en masse To display maturity And choose a President of the people That […]

Reflections, Projections and Safety in Hajj – By Muhammad Ajah

By Muhammad Ajah | NNP | February 17, 2014 – Hajj in the last few years have been adjudged as very successful globally. Last year especially, the control mechanism and resultant end clearly manifested more than ever in recent years. The reason for this success is either because of adequate preparations or the less number […]

Communication – A Poem by Muhammad Ajah

COMMUNICATION By Muhammad Ajah (From his poem collection “Man in the Mirror”) Have I read the better Than Wordsworth of Cumberland? The flowing ideas that prick Blockheads, ignorance-home And freshens savants’ anxiety to impact Through logical strings of soft words Words-worthy for simplicity Wherefore can I liken the medium Between man and knowledge The orator […]

Overcoming Security Challenge for Nigerian military – By Muhammad Ajah

By Muhammad Ajah | Abuja, Nigeria | July 4, 2012 – Whatever happens in Nigeria, the military should NEVER allow religious sentiments or extremism to infiltrate the barracks. Soldiers and security personnel are such as physical security from God for mankind on earth. That is why they should never allow religion to play a decisive […]

Jonathan in the Eyes of Nigerians – By Muhammad Ajah

By Muhammad Ajah | Abuja, Nigeria | June 20, 2012 – President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan is seen by Nigerians in different ways. But I wish to dedicate this write up to what the common Nigerians say about him, because there can hardly be a highly placed Nigerian who has a sincere assessment of the President. […]

In Defense of Buhari’s Democracy – By Muhammad Ajah

By Muhammad Ajah | Abuja, Nigeria | June 7, 2012 – Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails and where society becomes an organized conspiracy to oppress, neither persons nor property will be safe” Patrick Douglas (1886). What is the problem with Nigeria’s democratic rule that worries General Muhammadu Buhari so […]

The Level of Poverty in Nigeria – By Muhammad Ajah

By Muhammad Ajah | Abuja, Nigeria | June 4, 2012 – Before delving into the categories of poverty in such a naturally well-endowed nation, Nigeria – a pride that should have intoxicated Nigerians to render self sacrifices to salvage their country – I may pose this questionable question, “Is there a poor man in Nigeria?” […]

The Call for Southern Intifada – By Muhammad Ajah

By Muhammad Ajah, Abuja, Nigeria – Nov. 14, 2011 – The Southern intifada must begin now. One more strike, the wrist of the nation called Nigeria may burst open. One more hit, the neck may fly off its shoulders. One more mayhem, the testicles may fall on the floor. When that happens, don’t be surprised. […]

How to End Boko Haram Fire-back – By Muhammad Ajah

By Muhammad Ajah, Abuja, Nigeria – September 10, 2011 – Whether Boko Haram is a terrorist or religious group is not a case to debate. Whatever nomenclature that has been ascribed to the group, the problem is that it has become a thorn on the flesh of Nigerians: government and the governed alike. If it […]

The Missing Names in Jonathan’s Cabinet – By Muhammad Ajah

By Muhammad Ajah, Abuja, Nigeria – August 16, 2011 – The list of Honourable Ministers for the federal cabinet and Special Advisers or Assistants to Mr. President so far released is commendable on one hand. The list is made up technocrats and seasoned political calibers who have distinguished themselves in their fields of specialization. The […]


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