Opinion: Political Madmen And Specialists – By Okey Ndibe

Even at the tamest of times, Nigeria can be an infuriating address. In an election season, it becomes maddening, a space where nothing is sacred any more. Lies, which are often the politician’s favorite currency, enter a festering phase. Tall tales are traded across partisan divides. In the age of the Internet, where the most […]

“Okey Ndibe Fumbles Again” – A rejoinder

By Remi Oyeyemi One has just read the vituperations of our friend, Mr. Igbokwe against Professor Okey Ndibe. Mr. Igbokwe is very upset that Prof. Ndibe did not see any difference between his All Progressive Congress (APC) and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). Igbokwe was really riled that such a comparison could be made at […]

What Anambra Says – By Okey Ndibe

Okey Ndibe | Connecticut, USA | Dec. 3., 2013 – Numerous political pundits stipulated that the recent governorship election in Anambra would serve as a gauge of things to come in the 2015 general elections. Anambra, these pundits suggested, would have a lot to say about the place and direction of Nigeria. If that projection […]

Okey Ndibe: A case for canceling the 2015 elections

Once again, Nigeria has entered an awful, familiar season. The country’s air is rent with talk of power. Not electric power, no; we’re talking raw political power! And the general elections of 2015 seem to have concentrated the mind of every politician in Nigeria, incumbent and aspirant alike. Nigeria is gravely tense. The country’s political […]

Ojukwu: A Titan Who Won’t Die – By Okey Ndibe

By Okey Ndibe, Connecticut, USA – Nov. 29, 2011 – A telephone call startled me awake at 3:41 a.m. last Saturday. Still gripped by sleep, I fumbled in the darkness until I palmed my phone. “Hello?” I slurred, my tone testy, ready to chide whoever was on the other end for so thoughtlessly interrupting my […]

Jega suspends top officials over illegal substitution of candidates’ names

Chairman of Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Professor Attahiru Jega has made good his promise not to spare any official of the Commission found to have compromised himself in the course of duties. Consequently, he has descended on the legal department of the Commission and suspended some top officials for allegedly changing illegally, names of […]

Nigeria’s Egypt dreams By Okey Ndibe

 Pask many a Nigerian what it would take to turn her country around, and you’re likely to get this answer: “Only God can solve the problems of this country.” The evidence so far is that God isn’t impressed. A people with the extraordinary natural resources and variety of human talent that Nigeria boasts has no […]

My Role As Enemy Of The State

By Okey Ndibe ( [email protected])-Jan 18, 2011 I arrived at the Murtala Muhammed Airport in Lagos on January 8 for what I imagined – or hoped – would be a routine two-week visit to Nigeria. Within moments of arrival, I came to realize that my trip would be anything but normal. The plain-clothed immigration officer, […]

Dealing with the nightmare we ordered

By Okey Ndibe , Tuesday, January 04, 2011 – Innocent residents of Jos, a once quiescent town, and Abuja, Nigeria’s capital, received gruesome gifts within the last week. On Christmas Eve, several bombs exploded in different parts of Jos, leaving in their wake a death toll as high as eighty, an unknown number of the […]


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