The Subsidy Crises: A Way Forward – By Dr. Olu Ojedokun

By Dr. Olu Ojedokun, London, UK – Jan.  19, 2012 – We have taken stock of the grave national crises we face and we of, The Nigerian Front after a process of consultation and reflection have come up with a roadmap to provide some solutions for the nation.  We hope these detailed solutions will be […]

The Nigerian Front: Subsidy Removal is Not the Issue – By Dr. Olu Ojedokun

By Olu Ojedokun, London, UK – Jan. 11, 2012 – Over six months ago with painstaking analysis and a heavy heart we issued a paper titled ‘An Affordable Government’ to alert the government and the Nigerian people to the dangers of the profligacy contained in the budget. Today we face a crisis of monumental proportions […]

Mr. President and the Courage of his Convictions – By Dr. Olu Ojedokun

By Dr. Olu Ojedokun, London, UK – August 7, 2011 – The recent silence from the front has been based on one consideration, the appropriateness of providing space for the President to consider the road map we have previously published.    We consider a honeymoon period allows the newly elected President time to establish the courage […]

THE NIGERIAN FRONT: An Unaffordable Deficit – By Dr. Olu Odejokun

By Dr. Olu Odejokun, Loindon, UK – June 7, 2011 – We of The Nigerian Front are gravely concerned about the state of our nation stemming from the current prognosis of the recently signed budget.   The budget indicates that greed continues to dominate the polity as our resources are being mismanaged.   If care is not […]

THE NIGERIAN FRONT: An Accountable Government- By Remi Jibowu & Dr. Olu Ojedokun

Some have questioned the legitimacy of the new Jonathan Administration and constantly remind us of the violence, which greeted some of the disputed election results.   We, however, deal with Nigeria as we find it, whilst noting the rights of others to pursue their grievances through constitutional means.   We of ‘The Nigerian Front’ intend to […]

THE NIGERIAN FRONT: The Preamble – By Dr. Olu Ojedokun

By Dr. Olu Ojedokun, London, UK – May 23, 2011 – Every generation is often presented with opportunities to offer definition, scope and direction to its nation.  This extends to the construction of defining values, the anchoring of the nation’s progress and creating an all-inclusive space for its development.   For our forbearers, who struggled in support […]

Speaking Truth to Power: Pentecostals and the ‘Daddy’ Syndrome – By Dr. Olu Ojedokun

By Dr. Olu Ojedokun, London, UK – Mar. 7, 2011 – The current narrative of the many UK based ‘African Majority’ Pentecostal Churches is the clinging to the fantasy that the ‘Men/Women of God’ who serve them are perfect.   That they can do no wrong, have no weaknesses and live and embody perfect lives.   It […]

SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER:The Asiwaju of Progress or Manipulation

By Olu Ojedokun, PhD, London, UK – Dec 24, 2010 – With the reversals by the courts of some gubernatorial electoral ‘victories’ of the PDP in the South West the focus in the media and the internet chatter fora has now shifted to the person of the ‘Asiwaju’, ’Bola Tinubu of Lagos.   To some the […]


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