Volunteers in Nigeria Where Art Thou? – By Paul I. Adujie

By Paul I. Adujie | New York, NY  | Oct. 24, 2012 – Despite the upsurge of Christian and Islamic fundamentalism and fanaticism in Nigeria, there is dearth of volunteerism in Nigeria. Volunteerism is profoundly absent and yet,  Nigerians are said to be most religious? What then is religiosity without selflessness or being our brothers’ […]

Port Harcourt Bridge Collapse; Emblematic of Public Infrastructures in Nigeria – By Paul Adujie

By Paul I. Adujie Esq., | New York, NY | Oct. 8, 2012 | As I wrote to complain and gripe about the traffic mayhem and gridlocks on Nigerian roads last week, and more particularly so, about the traffic standstill in Choba Port Harcourt, a bridge on a major road artery in Port Harcourt actually […]

Naira is Set for Yet Another Round of Devaluation? – By Paul I. Adujie Esq.

By Paul I. Adujie | New York, USA | Sept. 15, 2012 –The introduction of Five Thousand Naira as a single currency note, will exacerbate already existing pressures on Nigeria’s long beleaguered national currency. It is sadly the case that Ghana, Haiti and Jamaica national currencies have better strength and international respect compared to the […]

Iran Regime Change, Invasion, Occupation, & Recolonization is Imminent – By Paul I. Adujie

By Paul I. Adujie, New York City, NY – Jan. 4, 2012 – War drums are beating louder and louder in America against Iran. The din and decibel are rising and getting louder. Preparatory steps are being taken irreversibly as the onset of invasion and occupation of Iran is becoming more and more apparent and […]

Mohamed Bouazazi as Man of The Year, Catalyst For Global Justice & Protests – By Paul I. Adujie

By Paul I. Adujie, New York, NY, – Dec. 29, 2011 – One bright idea, one idea, sparked in the inner sanctum of one individual, and one idea acted upon by one such individual changes everything in the world. All through human history, global development and human progress or advancement have depended on sparks of […]

Muslim Lawyers Association of Nigeria & a Grateful Nation – By Paul I. Adujie

By Paul I. Adujie – New York, NY – June 27, 2011 – Exuberance, elation and unrestrained joy, overflowed upon reading that A Federal High Court in Lagos, Nigeria awarded monetary compensations and damages in favor of some Nigerians who were arrested and detained unlawfully and arbitrarily! The plaintiffs instituted legal action against the Inspector […]

New Scramble For Africa & Global Food Security Implications-By Paul I. Adujie

 FULL Title for this Article – “Land Grabs in New Scramble For Africa & Global Food Security Implications” “By Paul I. Adujie, New York, NY – June 15, 2011 – “Slavery and colonialism came with great benefits to Africa from Europe” Among the “benefits” are, the adoption of Christianity by millions of Africans and the […]

American Defense Budget; Biggest Corporate Welfare, Massive Cuts Are Overdue!- By Paul I. Adujie

By Paul I. Adujie, New York, NY – June 12, 2011 – Cutting the American Defense Budget or Military Spending is panacea for economic recovery, budget balancing and deficit reductions. After all, what use is the military to beleaguered American citizens who are being thrown out of their homes in foreclosures? Or what use is […]

Western Nations Are Bankers For Gadahafi, Dictators, etc – By Paul I. Adujie

80 Billion Dollars Libyan money is hidden by Gadahaffi in America and Europe, it has now been revealed that western nations and their institutions have been acting as Gadahafi’s bankers. It is as if, and quite similar to what a revelation of the Pope acting as banker and consultant for the Mafia would sound and […]

900 Africans Drown as NATO Ignores Catastrophes in Libya – By Paul I. Adujie

  Horrific and horrendous, is the news emanating from inside Libya, waters around Libya and on the Mediterranean Sea!   The North Atlantic Treaty Organization with absolute military command, control and occupation of the area, continues to ignore and neglect the dire humanitarian disaster in and around Libya and its environs. Humanitarian catastrophes and disasters […]


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