Home » Edo, Headlines, State News » Catholic priest Christopher Odia was killed by kidnappers’

Catholic priest Christopher Odia was killed by kidnappers’

Catholic priest Christopher Odia was killed by kidnappers’

Rev. Father Christopher Odia

The Edo Police Command has explained how the parish priest of St Michael Catholic Church, lkhabigbo, Etsako West local government area of the State, Rev Father Christopher Odia was killed by kidnappers soon after he was abducted while coming out for mass on Sunday.

Police spokesperson, ASP Jennifer Iwegbu, in a statement on Monday in Benin said Rev Father Christopher Odia was killed while police operatives were trying to rescue him from his abductors.

According to her, the kidnappers, who were frustrated that they were being pursued also killed a hunter who was part of the team going to rescue the Catholic Priest.

She added that police was able to kill one of the kidnappers while the other escaped with bullet injuries.

“In frustration, the kidnapped Rev Father Christopher Odia was killed by his abductors. A Hunter identified as Mr Nurudeen was also shot dead in the process while the superior firepower of the police personnel who went on the trail of the kidnappers decimated one of them.

“Other gang members escaped with various gunshot injuries. Intensive bush combing is ongoing towards ensuring that those who escaped are arrested and made to face justice,” Iwegbu said.

Read the full statement by police below

Following the kidnap of the parish priest of St Michael Catholic Church, lkhabigbo, Etsako West local government area of Edo State, Rev Father Christopher Odia in his rectory while coming out to go for Sunday mass in the wee hours of 26/6/22, a combined Team of Police Tactical Teams, Jattu Divisional Police operatives and the local Vigilante team, led by the Divisional Police Officer, went into the forest with a view to rescuing the catholic priest.

In frustration, the kidnapped Rev Father Christopher Odia was killed by his abductors. A Hunter identified as Mr Nurudeen was also shot dead in the process while the superior firepower of the police personnel who went on the trail of the kidnappers decimated one of them.

Other gang members escaped with various gunshot injuries. Intensive bush combing is ongoing towards ensuring that those who escaped are arrested and made to face justice.

The Commissioner of Police CP Abutu Yaro fdc, commiserates with the Catholic community in Edo state and Nigeria as he urged the general public to remain calm and go about their lawful businesses as a security strategy has been put in place to ensure the arrest of the fleeing gang members.

He further encouraged Edo state people not to relent in providing the police with prompt and useful information.

-PM Newswp_posts

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Posted by on Jun 27 2022. Filed under Edo, Headlines, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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