Home » Africa & World Politics, Headlines » Chinese envoy commends NAF over rescue of 7 abducted nationals

Chinese envoy commends NAF over rescue of 7 abducted nationals

The Chinese Ambassador to Nigeria, Cui Jianchun, has commended the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) for rescuing seven of her citizens kidnapped by terrorists.

Jianchun gave the commendation when he visited the Chief of Air Staff (CAS), Air Marshall Oladayo Amao, in his office at the headquarters of the Nigerian Air Force in Abuja.

The Chinese envoy, while commending the high level of professionalism exhibited by the NAF Special Forces that undertook the rescue mission, expressed his gratitude to the CAS, for his leadership which translated to the commitment of NAF operational forces in the counterterrorism operations. He said: “From what I learnt, your Special Forces conducted themselves in the most professional manner worthy of praise and emulation. This was possible because of the right kind of leadership that the Nigerian Air Force and, indeed, the Armed Forces of Nigeria currently have.” 

Welcoming the ambassador to his office, Air Marshal Amao said that NAF, working alongside other security agencies in the country, remains committed to providing a peaceful and safe environment for both Nigerians and foreigners to thrive, and will not rest until all areas are rid of terrorists and other criminal elements.

Amao said: “Nigeria remains open to all foreigners who want to come and invest, and they can rest assured of their safety, as we will continue to ensure that our country remains attractive for foreign investors.”

The 271 Nigerian Air Force (NAF) Detachment, Birnin Gwari, Kaduna State, carried out a rescue operation in the early hours of December 17, 2022, leading to the rescue of seven Chinese expatriates earlier kidnapped and held hostage by terrorists operating in the general area.

The rescued Chinese victims were kidnapped in June 2022 by terrorists, while working on a mining site in Ajata-Aboki, Gurmana Ward of Shiroro Local Government, Niger State.


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Posted by on Dec 21 2022. Filed under Africa & World Politics, Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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