Home » Africa & World Politics, American Politics » Los Angeles City Councilmember resigns over racist comments in leaked tape

Los Angeles City Councilmember resigns over racist comments in leaked tape

Los Angeles City Councilmember resigns over racist comments in leaked tape

Nury Martinez

By Biodun Busari

Nury Martinez has become a former President of the Los Angeles City Council following her resignation over racist comments credited to her in leaked audio.

Martinez who represented San Fernando Valley communities covering Van Nuys, Arleta and Sun Valley resigned her seat on Wednesday.

Vanguard reported that protesters flooded her residence on Monday morning demanding her resignation after her ex-Councilmember Mike Bonin called for her removal.

“It is with a broken heart that I resign my seat for Council District 6, the community I grew up in and my home,” Martinez wrote in a lengthy resignation message.

“I hope you stay engaged and continue to fight for your fair share of the city’s resources. It’s hard to say goodbye, but please know that I was in this fight for you.”

In her resignation note to her colleagues, city workers and other groups, she said, “And last, to all little Latina girls across this city — I hope I’ve inspired you to dream beyond that which you can see.

“While I take the time to look inwards and reflect, I ask that you give me space and privacy.”

The announcement comes days after the politician was heard making racist remarks while talking with fellow Councilmembers Kevin de León and Gil Cedillo and labour leader Ron Herrera about how the city’s council district boundaries should be redrawn.

The October 2021 conversation focused on how the group could maintain Latino political power while ensuring they and their colleagues would have districts that help them win reelection.


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Posted by on Oct 14 2022. Filed under Africa & World Politics, American Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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