Home » Ibrahim Babangida (1985-93), Latest Politics, Presidency » Current challenges will pass, IBB tells Nigerians (They have been passing for the last 60 years)

Current challenges will pass, IBB tells Nigerians (They have been passing for the last 60 years)

By Wole Mosadomi, Minna

Former Military President, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, IBB (rtd) has called on Nigerians not to lose hope, saying with prayers and patience, the current situation will soon become history.

General Babangida spoke when members of the Correspondent Chapel of Nigerian Union of Journalists, Niger State Chapter, led by its Chairman, Mustapha Bina, visited him in his uphill residence to felicitate with him on his 81st birthday.

He said, “Nigerians should not give up hope over the challenges bedeviling the country because this too shall pass.”

According to him, “you as journalists must ignore politicians and individuals who preach hate and disunity as the election campaigns heighten towards the 2023 general elections.

“I plead with us to be patient with one another and be prayerful. We need to continue to sensitize people on how to live in peace and harmony and I implore those behind series of insecurity across the country to have a change of heart.”

He urged Nigerians to continue to have faith in the unity of the country and should always be positive and remain resolute that Nigeria will get better.

He said as Journalists, “You can only do this through objective reportage and I like the debate that is ongoing in the media, it is giving the people the insight that they need to see.

“What you are doing now is enough to promote the unity of the country and You can still change the psyche of Nigerians and so, I implore you to ignore those that preach hate and disunity. Ignore them and don’t bother about them.”

On his life at 81, the former Military President said he said: “I give thanks to God for keeping me through these years.

“The lessons I have learnt over the years that have shaped me are patience, faith and respect for every human being and Nigerians should learn to imbibe these virtues. “


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Posted by on Aug 17 2022. Filed under Ibrahim Babangida (1985-93), Latest Politics, Presidency. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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