Home » Bauchi, COVID-19, Headlines, Health, State News » Deputy Governor Bauchi State, Baba Tela tests positive for COVID-19

Deputy Governor Bauchi State, Baba Tela tests positive for COVID-19

The Bauchi State government has confirmed that the state Deputy Governor, Baba Tela, tested positive for Covid-19.

The confirmation was contained in a press release made available to journalists in Bauchi by the Senior Special Assistant on Media to the Bauchi State Governor, Muhktar Gidado.

According to Gidado, the Deputy governor’s positive confirmation followed the test conducted on him when he showed symptoms of COVID-19 by the Nigeria Center for Disease Control (NCDC).

He informed that the Deputy Governor, who doubles as the Chairman of the Bauchi State Task Force on COVID-19 and Lassa Fever, contracted the disease in the course of carrying out his duties as the head of the task force.

Gidado informed that the Deputy Governor has gone into self-isolation, while health professionals are attending to him.

“This is to inform the general public that His Excellency, Sen. Baba Tela, Deputy Governor of Bauchi State who is also the Chairman, State Task Force on COVID-19 was confirmed positive for coronavirus.

“He contracted the disease while discharging his onerous responsibility as Chairman of the Committee.

“Consequently, His Excellency, Baba Tela has gone into self-isolation in Bauchi and health professionals are properly managing his situation,” Gidado stated.

He further informed that samples of all the contacts of the deputy governor have been taken by the NCDC for testing.

He added that the contacts have been told to remain in isolation pending when the results of their tests are released.

Meanwhile, Gidado stated that Governor Mohammed has called for prayers for his deputy and other COVID-19 patients for their speedy recovery.

-Daily Post


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Posted by on Jun 3 2020. Filed under Bauchi, COVID-19, Headlines, Health, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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