Home » Bayelsa, Governors, Headlines, State News » Dickson dispels talk of rift with Diri, commends governor

Dickson dispels talk of rift with Diri, commends governor

From Femi Folaranmi, Yenagoa

The former governor of Bayelsa State and Senator representing Bayelsa West, Senator Henry Seriake Dickson has again dispelled stories of alleged discord with his successor, Governor Douye Diri.

Dickson who dismissed having any frosty relationship with Diri stated this when the latter paid him a Yuletide visit at his Toru-Orua country home in Sagbama Local Government Area of the state.

He expressed satisfaction with the governor’s commitment towards completing projects inherited from his administration, especially the Sagbama-Ekeremor road as well as the ongoing work on the two other senatorial roads in Bayelsa Central and Bayelsa East.

Dickson seized the opportunity to caution those fabricating rumours of discord between him and his successor, saying this was counter-productive to the political stability of the state.

He said: “Let me say that I am pleased with the work you are doing. With the road projects you have continued, our communities are now being connected. Specifically on this very important project (Sagbama-Ekeremor road) that we toiled for and is a major infrastructure agenda on which we were elected.

“Let me also thank you for your thoughtfulness in pioneering this visit, which for me is a tradition. I recall how the governor made last Christmas memorable for me and we were very pleased to receive you.

“This tradition we have started, I believe it is one of the benefits of the experiments that led to the emergence of this government. An experiment in the sense that after eight years, the governor and the system decided on succession, pushing it hard even when they stole it, God gave it back to us.

“In Bayelsa, rumours fly rapidly. I am sleeping in my house and doing my work in Abuja but people are fabricating different stories. I am used to it.”

Dickson further described the governor as a man of experience having served in other capacities before assuming office. He, however, assured that he was still available for advisory roles.

Speaking earlier, Governor Diri said the visit was primarily to consolidate the bond between him and his predecessor.

\Diri stressed that nothing can separate them as leaders, stating that he still counts on the experience of his predecessor even as he called on him not to shy away from rendering fatherly advice whenever called upon.

The governor stated that as a mark of sustaining the legacies of Senator Dickson, his government has continued the construction of projects inherited in a bid to promote continuity in governance.

His words: “This visit, for me, is more like strengthening the bond that I and our leader (Dickson) share. There is nothing that can separate us.

“To buttress that fact, one of the major projects you took over from the federal government under the NDDC, which is the Sagbama-Ekeremor road, has been going on smoothly under my watch and it remains one of my priority projects to be completed by the government you handed over to.

“Our state will continue to get stronger, more united and we will develop faster and further than when we met it.”


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Posted by on Dec 27 2022. Filed under Bayelsa, Governors, Headlines, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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