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Drama as ministerial nominee dodges question on husband

By Enioluwa Adeniyi

Wednesday’s ministerial nominee screening saw a bit of humour at the senate when Dr. Doris Uzoka, a nominee from President Bola Tinubu, dodged a question regarding her husband.

Dr. Uzoka, a medical practitioner turned banker from Imo State, smoothly answered queries about her career achievements and roles. But when asked about her family, she artfully sidestepped the topic.

Three senators had asked questions about her previous roles and what she would do differently if confirmed.

However, Senate President Akpabio, keen to know about her personal life, noted that her CV seemed incomplete without details of her family.

He asked about her parents, husband, and children. To this, Dr Uzoka responded by mentioning her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Uzoka, and stated that she had “a lot of children, both biological and non-biological”, highlighting her role in her community. However, she tactfully avoided any comment on her spouse.

Akpabio had said, “I don’t think her CV is completed; I think some pages are missing because I haven’t seen anything on family life. The name of her father, mother, the name of your husband, and how many children.”

Responding, the nominee said, “Permit me to start with the last question. I was born to Mr and Mrs Uzoka, I have a lot of children actually; a lot of them are biological and not biological. I’m responsible for a community of people, both women and men. I’m glad to be of service to my community.”

The plenary was filled with laughter at her response. While the nominee responded with a smile and went on to address other issues, she successfully steered clear of any discussion about her husband.


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Posted by on Aug 4 2023. Filed under Headlines, Latest Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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