Home » Africa & World Politics, Headlines » ECOWAS to relocate ex-Sierra Leone president to Nigeria, Thursday

ECOWAS to relocate ex-Sierra Leone president to Nigeria, Thursday



By Kazeem Biriowo

The Economic Community of West African States(ECOWAS) has concluded plans to relocate former Sierra Leone President, Ernest Bal Koroma to Nigeria on Thursday, January 4th 2024.

This part of the agreement reached by the mission to Freetown on 23 December of the high-level ECOWAS delegation led by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana, and Macky Sail, President of the Republic of Senegal.

A statement signed by the ECOWAS Commission president, Omar Alieu Touray, also disclosed that the former President has accepted the offer to be hosted In Nigeria, and subject to approval, arrangements will be made to fly Former President Koroma out of Freetown on Thursday 4 January 2024.

The statement titled: Temporary Relocation of Former President to Abuja reads: “I refer to the mission to Freetown on 23 December of the high-level ECOWAS delegation led by His Excellency President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana, and His Excellency Macky Sail, President of the Republic of Senegal.”

“I am pleased to inform Your Excellency that as part of the agreement reached during the mission, the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria has offered to host His Excellency Ernest Bal Horoma, Former President of Sierra Leone, in Abuja on a temporary basis.”

“The former President has accepted the offer to be hosted In Nigeria. Subject to your approval, arrangements will be made to fly Former President Koroma out of Freetown on Thursday 4 January 2024.”

“He will be accompanied by his office manager and personal assistant. in addition to seeking Your Excellency’s approval for the departure from Sierra Leone of the Former President on or around the date indicated above, I would like to seek your confirmation that once President Koroma leaves Sierra Leone, the following arrangements (as agreed during the mission) will be put in place.

“The government of Sierra Leone will discontinue all legal and administrative procedures against him. The Government of Sierra Leone will also continue to disburse to him his benefits as former President;”

“The Government of Sierra Leone will secure his residences in the various locations in Sierra Leone; The Government of Sierra Leone will consider refunding medical and travel expenses he has incurred.”

“While looking forward to Your Excellency’s favourable response, I take this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration.”

-Nigerian Tribune

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Posted by on Jan 5 2024. Filed under Africa & World Politics, Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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