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Election tribunal: Senior Nigerian lawyer, Akubo declines appointment to Tinubu’s legal team

Election tribunal: Senior Nigerian lawyer, Akubo declines appointment to Tinubu’s legal team

By afolabi

Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) Pius Akubo has rejected the appointment to be part of President-elect Bola Tinubu’s legal team expected to defend his highly controversial win in the February 25 presidential election.

Akubo said he was unaware of the appointment, and there had been no official communication between himself and Mr Tinubu’s camp.

“In the last twenty-four (24) hours or so, the social media space has been agog with a trending unsigned letter in respect of appointment of Presidential Election Petition Legal Team by All Progressives Congress (APC) wherein my name is listed as number 10,” said the senior lawyer in a statement.

Akubo added, “With all due respect, I wish to state that I had no prior knowledge of the said appointment. As a matter of fact, I have not received any official communication on the subject matter hitherto. Suffice it to say that I was taken by surprise to hear of the said appointment vide social media.”

Akubo pointed out that he could not defend the former Lagos governor for personal reasons even if such contemplations were being made.

“In the circumstance and for personal reasons, I hereby decline the said appointment,” he added.

The Peoples Democratic Party and Labour Party are seeking to contest Mr Tinubu’s victory.

With the PDP and Labour claiming victory in the election, the country is set to witness a consequential legal dispute that could last for several months.



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Posted by on Mar 9 2023. Filed under All Peoples' Congress (APC), General Politics, Latest Politics, National Politics, Party Politics, Raw Politics, Top Stories. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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