Home » Headlines » Enugu Catholic Diocese Shuts Down Mbaka’s Adoration Ministry

Enugu Catholic Diocese Shuts Down Mbaka’s Adoration Ministry

The Catholic Bishop of Enugu Diocese, Most Rev. (Dr). Callistus Onaga has banned all priests and Catholic faithful from attending the Adoration Ministry Emene led by controversial Rev. Ejike Mbaka.

This is a fall out of the controversial statement recently made by Mbaka against the presidential flag bearer of Labour Party’s LP Mr. Peter Obi.

The Cleric, had described Obi as a stingy man, a statement that sparked off attacks by supporters of the presidential hopeful, especially in the social media.

Mbaka has long apologized insisting that he didn’t mean to malign the Ex Anambra governor.

But despite the apology, the hammer of the Bishop on Saturday still fell on the fiery priest who has been having a running battle with the Bishop.

“In the light of the happenings in the Catholic Adoration Ministry Chaplaincy Enugu, capable of undermining the Catholic faith and teachings; and after several fraternal corrections and admonitions to Fr. Camillus Ejike Mbaka, the Chaplain of the Ministry, and after having given him pastoral directives and guidelines for the Ministry Chaplaincy, which he persistently violated; and in fulfillment of my pastoral duties as the Chief Shepherd with the obligation to promote and safeguard the Catholic faith and morals in Enugu Diocese, I hereby prohibit all Catholics (clergy, religious and lay faithful) henceforth from attending all religious and liturgical activities of the Adoration Ministry until the due canonical process initiated by the Diocese is concluded.

“My decision is based on the fact that some of the teachings and utterances of Fr Camillus Ejike Mbaka at the Catholic Adoration Ministry are not consistent with the teachings and faith of the Catholic Church.

“I enjoin all the Christian Faithful to keep praying for Fr. Mbaka and the Catholic Diocese of Enugu as I entrust him and the Diocese to the maternal care and protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of the Apostles.wp_posts

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Posted by on Jun 18 2022. Filed under Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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