Home » Enugu, Headlines, State News » Enugu native doctor with 59 wives, ‘King of Satan’ is dead

Enugu native doctor with 59 wives, ‘King of Satan’ is dead

Enugu based native doctor, Mr Simon Odo, popular known as ‘King of Satan: dies after brief illness

 Mr. Simon Odo, a native doctor popularLy known as ‘King of Satan’ who married 59 wives with over 300 children and grandchildren died in the early hours of Tuesday after brief illness.

The late Odo, who hailed from Aji in Igbo-Eze North Local Government Area of Enugu State, died in the early hours of Tuesday after a brief illness.

Mr Emeka Odo, one of the sons who confirmed the death of his father to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in their family house said the native doctor died at the age of 74.

Odo said burial arrangement for his father was already in progress in compliance with his father’s instruction to the wives and children that his remains should not be deposited in mortuary when confirmed dead, but should be buried as soon as possible.

Enugu based native doctor, Mr Simon Odo, popular known as ‘King of Satan: dies after brief illness

“Yes my father popularly known as King of Satan is dead; he died on Tuesday’s morning as he had been sick for the past three weeks.

“We are having family meeting to perfect arrangement for his burial since he instructed us not to put his body in mortuary,” he said.

He lamented that the death of his father was a big blow as he had a loving and caring father in spite of the large number of family members.

“Since this morning my father died kinsmen, friends and well-wishers have been trooping in shock and surprise to come and sympathise with our family,” he said.


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Posted by on Dec 15 2021. Filed under Enugu, Headlines, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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