Home » Biafra, Headlines » ESN not militants, cannibals, IPOB replies Army

ESN not militants, cannibals, IPOB replies Army

ESN not militants, cannibals, IPOB replies Army

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), yesterday, accused the army and police of lying against its security outfit, Eastern Security Network (ESN).

The self-determination  group said contrary to claims by Nigerian security agencies, ESN members were not cannibals, cultists or militants.

A statement by its spokesman, Emma Powerful, also denied that the group had camps in Lilu, Orsumoghu in Anambra State and Mbaise, Obowo in Imo State as alleged by the army.

“The global movement and family of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) under the command and leadership of our great leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, wish to once again, debunk the falsehood and propaganda by the Nigeria Army and police against innocent Biafran youths,  especially Eastern Security Network (ESN) operatives.

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“The Nigeria Army Commander, as well as the Police Commissioner in Imo State, derive pleasure in dishing out fake information and falsehood to disrepute IPOB and ESN operatives. We, therefore, want to once again, declare that contrary to fabricated lies by the security agencies, ESN has no camp in Lilu, Orsumoghu in Anambra State and Mbaise, Obowo in Imo State. The claims by the Nigerian security agencies that they discovered IPOB/ESN camps in the affected communities are all lies concocted to blackmail us and justify further destruction of more Igbo communities by security agents.

“IPOB and ESN have no camps in these communities. We are not militants nor cannibals. Criminals can never be said to be IPOB/ESN members. We are not cultists. Our mission is the restoration of Biafra, and that has nothing to do with cannibalism and abominable things allegedly going on in such camps. Nigerian security agencies and government of Imo State created these criminals thinking they can demonise IPOB and ESN members, but unfortunately they turned against innocent members of the society,” Powerful said.


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Posted by on Jan 25 2022. Filed under Biafra, Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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